Question - Osho, I keep meeting
people who can see auras, and I feel I am missing. What can I do to
share this sight? Osho - Anand Buddha, God is not an experience. No experience as such is spiritual; all experiences are mind games. Beware of it. Whatsoever can be seen will be part of the illusory world. The seer is the truth, not the seen. You can see auras and you can see angels and you can see kundalini rising and you can see inner lights -- but they are all seen. They are not you. The seer is the witness, and only the witness is the truth. All else is a dream. And there are worldly dreams and there are other-worldly dreams; there are materialistic dreams and there are spiritualistic dreams. One thing has to be remembered always, that whatsoever is seen is worthless -- even if it is God. The God that is seen is worthless. When all experiences disappear and you are left
utterly alone, nothing to see, only emptiness in the hands, no
experience at all, then suddenly you realize yourself. Then you turn
upon yourself, then you fall into your source. And that is not an
experience, it is a realization. That is the difference between the
words "experience" and "realization". It is not that you have seen
something, experienced something. Now you know who you are. But he can create this feeling in you, that you are lacking something, that your growth is not going well, that you are not growing as fast as you should grow. He will create in you the feeling of inferiority, and that is dangerous. Once you start feeling inferior you become sad, depressed, you carry a heavy weight on your chest; and that will become a hindrance in your growth. And every possibility is there that if you desire you will start seeing these things. Desire creates dreams. If you start thinking that you are missing, soon your mind will project. The mind is always ready to give you anything that you desire, and particularly such things. If you desire money it will be difficult because it is not only a question of your own mind. If you desire to become the president of a country it may not be easy because there may be much competition. But if you want to see auras there is no competition, and nobody can hinder you, and you are not taking somebody else's auras; you are creating your own. It is a private, idiotic world. This is the meaning of the word "idiot": it means having a private world of one's own experiences which do not collaborate with reality. I know a few people are here; they enjoy a kind of leadership because they can gather a few people around themselves. They start talking about esoteric things. And whenever somebody talks about esoteric things, hidden truths that you are not aware of, he enjoys being a knower and he reduces you to an ignorant person. It hurts. Soon you will also start talking and reading such nonsense books, and they are available in abundance. Here, you are not to be with me to see auras, or to
see lights, or to see kundalini energy rising, or the chakras opening. I
am trying to hammer this truth into your heart continuously, that the
only thing worth attaining is enlightenment, is nirvana, is the
realization of who you are. Everything else has to be bypassed. And
these things come on the way. And then the desire is to cling to them, and that very desire keeps you away from the ultimate truth. For the ultimate truth, everything has to be sacrificed, all so-called spiritual experiences, esoteric knowledge, miracles. Everything has to be dropped. One has to come to the ultimate experience -- which is not an experience.... Language is inadequate to express it; that's why it is
called an "experience". It is not an experience, because in experience
there is a division of the experiencer and the experienced, and in this
experience, the ultimate, there is no division. You are the knower, you
are the known, you are the seer, you are the seen, you are the
experiencer, you are the experienced -- only you are.
That absolute, still point of pure existence, that is the goal. All else
has to be sacrificed for it. Beware of such things. "Then we went to Paris, France, where again I climbed to the top of the Eiffel Tower -- but poor Seymour, the cripple, the one with the crutches under each arm, could not make it. "But then we went to Rome and ended up with a private audience with the Pope. The Pope walked into the room, took one look at Seymour, the cripple, the one with the crutches under each arm, and walked over to him and placed a kiss on the right cheek of Seymour. As if by magic, Seymour threw his right crutch away. "Then the Pope came over to Seymour's left cheek and gave him a kiss --
and again as if by magic, he threw his left crutch down." Source - Osho Book "The Secret"
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