Osho on Jawaharlal Nehru - The politicians are the worst sufferers from
inferiority complex. They want to prove to the world that they are
great, they have power over millions -- they are presidents, prime
ministers. But if you look at their lives, that inferiority complex has
not left them, it is still there. India's first prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru was also five feet five inches, and when he took the oath for the prime ministership, and the transfer of the government from British hands back to Indian hands, Mountbatten was the British viceroy. He was a tall man... If you look in books you can find the picture: Jawaharlal is standing -- exactly on my suggestion although I had not given the suggestion to him -- on a step, and Mountbatten is standing on the floor, so they look alike, the same height. But you will be surprised that Mountbatten's wife fell in love with Jawaharlal. Mountbatten was such a beautiful man that he was sent to Burma, from England -- he was from the royal family -- just because he was such a playboy. He was creating too many scandals, and a royal family does not do that -- particularly the British royal family, it is too orthodox! They sent him far away to Burma saying, "Do anything that you want to do there." He was a beautiful man, but his wife fell in love with Jawaharlal. Jawaharlal was also a beautiful man, but not so royal. She was writing such love letters as teenagers write. The strange thing was that after that many women in India wanted to marry him. His wife had died long ago, and he had only one child, Indira. There were a few women that I know personally who remained unmarried for their whole lives just because they had decided they would marry Jawaharlal; otherwise they would not marry. Mountbatten's wife was not beautiful at all; in fact she was not even homely. She had a certain disease over her skin. Her skin was what you would call leatherlike; it was so ugly, disgusting. But perhaps because she was British and she was the wife of the viceroy, that gave some superiority to Jawaharlal's inferiority complex. The women who remained their whole life unmarried -- two of them I know -- were really beauties, of great heart. But Jawaharlal refused, and he fell into the hands of this leathery woman -- whom I cannot see anybody could think was beautiful, and not even a blind man would find that she was. But this is how things go on working. And for centuries we have been creating the disease; we have not allowed people to accept themselves as they are. The moment you accept yourself as you are, without any comparison, all inferiority, all superiority disappears. I don't feel any inferiority, any superiority. Existence wanted me to be just the way I am. Existence wants you to be just as you are. You are fulfilling some empty space in existence; without you there will be something missing. Hence, one of my basic teachings is total acceptance of yourself without any conditions. In the total acceptance of yourself you will be free from these complexes -- inferiority, superiority; otherwise you will suffer for your whole life. Source - Osho Book "Socrates Poisoned Again After 25 Centuries"
Jawaharlala Nehru with Mahatma Gandhi
She is imposing emergency rule in India -- not in name but in fact. Hundreds of political leaders are behind bars. I had been telling her from the very beginning that those people should not be in parliament or assemblies or in the legislature. There are many kinds of idiots, but politicians are the worst, because they also have power. Journalists are number two. In fact they are even worse than politicians, but because they have no power, they can only write, and who cares what they write? Without power in your hands then you may have as much idiocy as possible, it cannot do anything. I was introduced to Indira too by Masto, but in an indirect way. Basically Masto was a friend of Indira's father, Jawaharlal Nehru, the first prime minister of India. He was really a beautiful man, and a rare one too, because to be in politics and yet remain beautiful is not easy. When Helen Keller met him, because she was blind, deaf and dumb, she had to touch his face. She gave the message to someone who could interpret her sign language, "Touching this man's face I feel as if I am touching a marble statue." Many other people have written about Jawaharlal, but I don't think anything more needs to be said. This woman with no eyes, no ears and no tongue to speak with, still managed to say the most poignant statement, and in a very simple way. It was my feeling also, when I was introduced by Masto. I was only twenty. After only one more year Masto was to leave me, so he was in a hurry to introduce me to everybody that he could. He rushed me to the prime minister's house. It was a beautiful meeting. I had not expected it to be beautiful because I had been disappointed so many times. How could I have expected that the prime minister would not just be a mean politician? He was not. It was only by chance that, in the corridor as we were leaving and he was coming with us to say goodbye, Indira came in. At that time she was nobody, just a young girl. She was introduced to me by her father. Masto was present, of course, and it was through him that we met. But Indira may not have known Masto, or who knows? -- maybe she did. The meeting with Jawaharlal turned out to be so significant that it changed my whole attitude, not only to him, but to his family too. He talked with me about freedom, about truth. I could not believe it. I
said, "Do you recognize the fact that I am only twenty years old, just a
young man?" And we talked of such great things. It was I who was surprised, because he listened to me with as much attention as you. And he had such a beautiful face, as only the Kashmiris can have. Indians are certainly a little dark, and the more you move downwards towards the south, the darker they become until finally you come to a point when you see, for the first time in your life, what black means. But Kashmiris are really beautiful. Jawaharlal certainly was, for two reason. My own feeling is that the white man, just a white man, looks a little shallow because whiteness has no depth. That's why all the Californian girls are trying to get their skins a little sun-tanned. They understand that when the skin is sun-tanned it starts having a certain depth which white skin cannot have. But black is too sun-tanned, burned. There is no question of depth, it is death. But Kashmiris are exactly in the middle; they are white people, very beautiful people, sun-tanned from their very birth; and they are Jews. I have seen Jesus' grave in Kashmir, where he escaped to after his so-called crucifixion. I say so-called because it was managed so well. The whole credit goes to Pontius Pilate. And when Jesus was allowed to escape from the cave, naturally the whole question was, "Where to go?" The only place outside Israel where he could be at ease was Kashmir, because it was a small Israel. And it is not only Jesus who is buried in Kashmir, but Moses too. That will shock you even more. I have been to his grave too. I am a grave-digger. Moses had been nagged by other Jews asking, "Where is the lost tribe?" One tribe was missing, naturally, after their forty years' long journey in the desert. Moses mismanaged that too; if he had gone to the left instead of to the right, the Jews would have been the oil kings now. But Jews are Jews, you cannot predict what they will do. Moses traveled for forty years from Egypt to Israel. I am neither a Jew nor a Christian, and it is none of my concern, but still, just out of curiosity, I wonder why he chose Israel. Why did Moses search for Israel? In fact he must have been searching for a beautiful place, but old age comes, and after a tedious journey, forty years in the desert.... I could not have done it. Forty years! I cannot do it for even forty hours. I cannot. I would rather commit hara-kiri. You know hara-kiri? It is the Japanese way of disappearing; in ordinary language, suicide. Moses traveled for forty years and ultimately came to Israel, and that dusty, ugly place, Jerusalem. And after all this -- Jews are Jews -- they nagged him to travel again in search of the lost tribe. My own feeling is that he went just to get rid of these fellows. But where to look? The most beautiful place that was close was the Himalayas, and he reached the same valley. It is good that Moses and Jesus both died in India. India is neither Christian, and certainly not Jewish -- but the man, or the families to be exact, who take care of the two graves, are Jewish. And both graves are made in the Jewish way. Hindus do not make graves, as you know. Mohammedans do, but in a different way. A Mohammedan grave has to point towards Mecca. The head has to be towards Mecca. These are the only two graves in Kashmir which are not made according to the Mohammedan rules. But the names are certainly not exactly what you might expect. In Arabic, Moses is called Mosha; and the name on his grave is Mosha. Jesus in Arabic is just the same in Aramaic, Yeshu, from the Hebrew Joshua; and it is written in the same way. It may mislead you. You might think Yeshu is not Jesus, nor that Mosha is Moses. Moses is only an English -- what to say? -- mispronunciation of the original; just as Jesus is. Joshua will certainly slowly become Yeshu -- Joshua is too much; Yeshu will do, and that is exactly how we call Jesus in India, Isu -- pronounced Eesu. We have added something to the beauty of the name. "Jesus" is good, but you know what has been made out of it. When one wants to curse, one says, "Jesus!" The sound certainly has something cursing in it. Try to curse somebody by saying, "Joshua!" and you will find difficulty. The word itself prevents you. It is so feminine, so beautiful, and so round that you cannot hit anybody with it. Source - Osho Book "Glimpses of a Golden Childhood"
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