Question - Does Education lead to Meditation? Please explain Education and Religion. Osho - Ordinarily that which is called education is almost against meditation. It should not be so but it is so. The original meaning of the word 'education' is not against meditation. The original meaning is: to draw out. To educate means to draw out; whatsoever is hidden in the individual has to be drawn out. The individual has to flower -- that is the original meaning of education.
That is what meditation is too: you have to flower in
your own being. You don't know what you are going to be, you don't know
what flowers will come to you, what will be their color and what will be
their perfume -- you don't know. You move into the unknown. You simply
trust life-energy. It has given birth to you, it is your foundation, it
is your being. You trust it. You know that you are a child of this
universe, and this universe, if it has given birth to you, will take
care too.
But that is not true of the so-called education that goes on in the world. Rather than bringing out, it forces things in. It simply pours in information. Again that word' information' is wrong; it should not be used -- it is 'out-formation'. 'Information' means: formation inside you. Something should grow in you -- then it is information. But nobody is bothered about you. The society is bothered about its own ideas, ideologies, prejudices, technology; they go on forcing you. Your head is used as a hollow place, so they have to provide the furniture. Ordinarily education, or whatsoever is available in the name of education, is nothing but stuffing your mind with knowledge -- because knowledge has some utility. Nobody is bothered about you, nobody is bothered about
your destiny They need more doctors, they need more engineers, they need
more generals, they need more technicians, plumbers, electricians. So
they need them; they force you to become a plumber, or they force you to
become a doctor, or they force you to become an engineer. But when it is forced from the outside and one takes it as a profession, because one has to live and one has to learn and earn one's living, one takes it over. Then one is crippled and crushed under the weight. One simply goes on dragging and dragging, and one day, dies. There has never been a moment of celebration in that life. Of course, he will leave much money for his children to become doctors in their own turn, to go to university, to the same university where he was destroyed. And his children will do the same to their children, and this is how things go on being transferred from one generation to another. No, I don't call this education. It is crime. It is really a miracle that in spite of this education sometimes a Buddha flowers in the world. It is a miracle. It is simply unbelievable how somebody can escape out of it: it is a methodology to kill you, it is arranged in such a way. And small children are caught in the mechanism of it, not knowing where they are going, not knowing what is being made of them. By the time they become aware, they are completely corrupted, destroyed. By the time they can think about what to do with their lives, they are almost incapable of moving in any other direction. By the time you are twenty-five or thirty, half the
life is gone. Now to change seems to be too risky. You have become a
doctor, your practice is going well; suddenly one day you realize that
this is not the thing you were meant to be. This is not for you -- but
now what to do? So go on pretending that you are a doctor. And if the
doctor is not happy in being a doctor, he is not going to help any
patient. He may drug the patient, he may give medicine, but he is not
going to really be a healing force. When a doctor is really a doctor, a
born doctor... and everybody is a born something. You may miss it, you
may not even know it. Somebody is a born poet; and you cannot make a
poet. There is no way to manufacture poets. Somebody is a born painter;
you cannot manufacture painters. This is why in the world there is so much chaos: everybody is wrongly placed, nobody is exactly where he should be. Right education will exactly be a path to meditation. Wrong education is a barrier to meditation because wrong education teaches you things which don't fit with you. And unless something fits with you and you fit with it, you can never be healthy and whole. You will suffer. So ordinarily when an educated person becomes interested in meditation he has to unlearn whatsoever he has learned. He has to go back to his childhood again and start from there, from the ABC's That's why my insistence is for certain meditations in which you can again become a child. When you dance you are more like a child than like a grown-up person. That's why you don't see dignitaries coming to me and to my meditations. Somebody is a commissioner, a collector -- he cannot come, because he cannot dance. He is a commissioner, or he is a governor -- how can he dance with ordinary people? But if you cannot dance, you may be a governor, but you are dead I If you cannot sing like a child. you are a burden on the earth. It is better if you commit suicide. At least you will vacate some space for somebody else to grow and flower. You are not going to flower; that is certain. Men who have some respectability become very stuck
because they cannot do anything -- they cannot risk their
respectability. They are afraid. They are not happy, they don't know
what bliss is, they don't exactly know what being alive means -- but
they are respectable. So they cling to their respectability, and then
die. They never live; they die before they ever start living. They are
many people who die before they have ever lived. You cannot eat respectability, and you cannot eat money, and you cannot eat prestige. They are just games: meaningless, stupid, mediocre. if you are intelligent enough you will understand that you have to live your life and you are not to bother about other things. All other considerations are meaningless: it is your life. You have to live it authentically, lovingly, with great passion and with great compassion, with great energy. You have to become a tidal wave of bliss. Whatsoever is needed to do for it, do. Unlearning will be needed. Unlearning means that you stop those wrong routes, you stop moving in those wrong ways that the society has forced persuaded you, seduced you to go in. You take charge of your own life; you become your own master. That is the meaning of sannyas. That's why I call sannyasins SWAMI. 'SWAMI' means: one who has become a master of his own life. It has nothing to do with orthodox SWAMIS; they are not masters of their own lives. They are again on the same train, with the same society, with the same stupid power, prestige, politics. A real sannyasin is one who does not care about others' opinions, who has decided to live his life as he wants to live it. I don't mean for you to be irresponsible. When you start living your life responsibly, you not only care about yourself, you care about others also -- but in a totally different way. Now you will take every care that you don't interfere in anybody else's life -- this is what responsibility is. You don't allow anybody to interfere in your life, and naturally, you will not interfere in anybody's life. You don't want anybody to guide your life, you don't want your life to be a guided tow. A guided tour is not a tour at all. You want to explore on your own. You want to move in the forest without any map, so that you can also be a discoverer, so that you can also come to some fresh spots for the first time. If you carry a map you always come to the spot where many have come before. It is never new, it is never original, it is never virgin. It is already contaminated, corrupted. Many have moved on it: a map even exists. When I was a child, in the temple that my parents used
to visit, I was surprised: there were maps of heaven and hell and MOKSHA.
One day I told my father, "If maps exist about MOKSHA, then I am not
interested in it." And all the Buddhas have said that truth is immeasurable; all the Buddhas have said that truth is not only unknown, it is unknowable. It is an uncharted sea: you take your small boat and you go into the uncharted sea. You take the adventure. It is risky, it is dangerous. But in risk and danger the soul flowers, becomes integrated. To me, if education is right it will be just a part of meditation; meditation will be the last point in it. If education is right, then universities should not be against the universe. They should be just training-places, jumping-boards into the universe. If education is right, then it will not be concerned about money, and it will not be concerned about power and prestige. Then it will not be political at all. If education is right it will be concerned about your bliss, your happiness, music, love, poetry, dance. It will teach you how to unfold. It will not go on simply throwing information into your head. It will help you to come out of your being, to flower, to grow, to spread, to expand. It will be a totally different education. And naturally if education becomes involved with meditation it becomes religious. I don't call an education religious because it teaches the dogma of Christianity, or it teaches Hinduism. It is not religious. Education is religious if it makes you courageous enough to accept yourself, and live your life, and become an offering to God in your own way, in your own unique way. Source - Osho Book "The Discipline of Transcendence, Vol 4"
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