Adi Shankara Atma Bodha verses
- Brahman appears to be a ‘Jiva’ because of
ignorance, just as a post appears to be a ghost. The
ego-centric-individuality is destroyed when the real nature of the
‘Jiva’ is realised as the Self.
- The ignorance characterised by the notions
‘I’ and ‘Mine’ is destroyed by the knowledge produced by the
realisation of the true nature of the Self, just as right
information removes the wrong notion about the directions.
- The Yogi of perfect realisation and
enlightenment sees through his “eye of wisdom” (Gyana Chakshush) the
entire universe in his own Self and regards everything else as his
own Self and nothing else.
- Nothing whatever exists other than the
Atman: the tangible universe is verily Atman. As pots and jars are
verily made of clay and cannot be said to be anything but clay, so
too, to the enlightened soul and that is perceived is the Self.
- A liberated one, endowed with
Self-knowledge, gives up the traits of his previously explained
equipments (Upadhis) and because of his nature of Sat-chit-ananda,
he verily becomes Brahman like (the worm that grows to be) a wasp.
- After crossing the ocean of delusion and
killing the monsters of likes and dislikes, the Yogi who is united
with peace dwells in the glory of his own realised Self – as an
- The self-abiding Jivan Mukta,
relinquishing all his attachments to the illusory external happiness
and satisfied with the bliss derived from the Atman, shines inwardly
like a lamp placed inside a jar.
- Though he lives in the conditionings (Upadhis),
he, the contemplative one, remains ever unconcerned with anything or
he may move about like the wind, perfectly unattached.
- On the destruction of the Upadhis, the
contemplative one is totally absorbed in ‘Vishnu’, the All-pervading
Spirit, like water into water, space into space and light into
- Realise That to be Brahman, the attainment
of which leaves nothing more to be attained, the blessedness of
which leaves no other blessing to be desired and the knowledge of
which leaves nothing more to be known.
- Realise that to be Brahman which, when
seen, leaves nothing more to be seen, which having become one is not
born again in this world and which, when knowing leaves nothing else
to be known.
- Realise that to be Brahman which is
Existence-Knowledge-Bliss-Absolute, which is Non-dual, Infinite,
Eternal and One and which fills all the quarters – above and below
and all that exists between.
Atma Bodha Verses
- 1-11,
12-22, 23-33,
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