Question - Osho. Only one
Master at a Time. Osho - I can understand and appreciate your difficulty. I am talking about too many Masters and too many paths and too many doors -- and it is natural that you may start getting confused. But you can get confused only if you cling to my words. If you don't cling to my words I am saying the same thing again and again and again even though the words may be different and I may be using different approaches. And when I use any approach, any path, I am totally with it. Then I don't care about anything else. Even things that I have said before, I don't care about. When I am talking about Hasids, I am a Hasid.And then
I am totally involved in it. That's the only way to reveal its secret to
you. If I remain uninvolved, if I remain without any passion, if I am
just a spectator, a professor, just explaining things to you, it won't
give you the insight that is Intended, it won't give you the vision.
Then you will collect information and you will go home -- you will
become more knowledgeable, but not wise.
When I am talking about one way, I am that way. Don't
cling to my words, listen to the wordless message. And if it hits your
heart, if it sings in your heart, then you have found your way. Then
forget everything I have said before or whatsoever I am going to say in
future. Then you need not worry. You have found your key. Now you can
open the lock. For example, when I am talking on Hasidism it may hit your heart deeply and your love may arise for this path. My passion may inflame you. That's why I speak with passion. If I speak with indifference as professors do.... I am not a professor. When I am speaking on Hasidism I am a Hasid rabbi. It is my path then that I am talking about. It is not somebody else's path that I am describing to you, it is my path that I have travelled, that J have loved, that I have known, that I have tasted. I am talking about my own experience, and if it hits and something clicks in your heart and prayer becomes your path, then forget whatsoever I am saying, then you need not reconsider again and again. If it has not happened then you have to consider. If it has not happened then don't worry about it, forget all about it, I will be talking about something else, I will be opening another door. Maybe that is the door for you. But when you have found the door then don't be worried about other doors that I will be opening because all the doors lead to the same. Don't you be worried that you should enter THIS door -- maybe Osho is going to open another bigger and golden door. But they are all the same. And the door that you have fallen in love with is the
golden door for you. Now there is no other door if you have fallen in
love with this door. And you will find others entering from other doors
but when you reach to the very centre of existence, you will all be
meeting there in tremendous love and brotherhood. Somebody will be a
Hasid and somebody will be a Zen monk and somebody will be a Tibetan
lama and somebody will be a Sufi and somebody has come through sitting
silently and somebody has come dancing -- but in deep brotherhood at the
centre all seekers meet. I know it is very difficult. If you start
choosing two Masters you will be in conflict. Never choose two Masters
-- one is enough, more than enough. And he said, 'I have created a hell. I suffered much.
I know you don't listen but still I am saying it, because now I am
departing and there will be no chance to say it to you. I know you will
fall in love with women but at least remember one thing from your old
man: My son, one at a time, one at a time. At least do that much.' Once you fall in love with a Master, remain. I am not saying that even when you are disillusioned remain with him. When you are disillusioned, he is no more your Master. Then there is no point in remaining with him. Then seek another. But never be with two Masters in your mind simultaneously. Be decisive about it -- because this decision is no ordinary decision, it is very momentous. It will decide your whole being: its quality, its future. Source - Osho Book "The Art of Dying"
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