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Ikkyu Poems

  1. my self of long ago

  2. what will happen to buddha

  3. man of original inactivity

  4. you must travel

  5. no such thing as mind

  6. all are just as they are

  7. to return to the sky of our native place?

  8. who is the buddha?

  9. i would like to offer you something

  10. we have no companion

  11. the real form of buddha

  12. why are people called buddhas

  13. original man must return


Ikkyu Poem - the real form of buddha

on the sea of death and life,
the diver's boat is freighted
with "is" and "is not".
but if the bottom is broken through,
"is and "is not" disappear.

the mind cannot become the buddha;
the body cannot become the buddha;
only what cannot become the buddha
can become the buddha.

as lightning
which disappears like dew,
which vanishes like a phantom --
thus think of yourself.

a mind to search elsewhere
for the buddha
is the foolishness
in the very center of foolishness.

the dew on the lotus leaf
undyed by its colour,
just as it is,
is the real form of buddha.