Osho Insights on Gibberish and
No Mind Meditation
The bullshit in our heads
Throwing all your craziness out
Put your total energy
Don’t hold back
No mind means intelligence
To be out of the mind is to be in your own being
The bullshit in our heads
Before Nivedano gives
his beat for you to go completely crazy, you have to understand
the meaning of throwing out your gibberish that is inside your
mind, continuously moving .... You are not even aware of it.
When you start throwing it out, then you become aware, ”My god,
all this bullshit I am carrying in my head!”
And this is the best
place to do it, because everybody else is engaged in throwing
his bullshit. Nobody is listening to you. You won’t get this
chance anywhere else in the world, so you can be absolutely at
ease in exposing yourself. Just don’t sit silently, because
anybody who is sitting silently – all this gibberish coming from
everybody else will enter into his head! I am making you aware,
it is a warning: don’t be stupid and don’t sit silently. Defeat
all those who are around you. This is just a great chance!
Nivedano, give the first beat to the drum, and everybody goes
crazy throwing his gibberish ...
S ource:
" Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest, Chapter 6 " -
Throwing all your
craziness out
Now, the first step
of meditation is throwing all your craziness out. It is a simple
method, if you are not a coward – I mean if you are not a
gentleman. It simply means gibberish. Speak any language that
you don’t know, or make sounds, but don’t sit there like a
buddha; that stage comes later.
Source: " Zen: The
Quantum Leap From Mind to No-Mind, Chapter 1 " - Osho
Put your total energy
Remember, the first
step of the meditation is gibberish. And gibberish simply means
throwing out your craziness, which is already there in the mind,
piled up for centuries. As you throw it out you will find
yourself becoming light, becoming more alive, just within two
You will be surprised
that when Nivedano gives his second beat, to enter into silence,
you enter into silence as deeply as you have never done before.
Just those two minutes have cleaned the way.
In fact in those two
minutes, if you put your total energy ... the more you put into
it, the deeper will be the following silence. So don’t be
partial, don’t be middle-class. Just be a first-rate crazy man!
About women there is
no question, they beat every man every day.
S ource:
" Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest, Chapter 12 " -
3. Don’t
hold back
question is that if your mind is silent then even your physical
eyes stop moving. You can try it as an experiment. This is the
way that psychoanalysts find out whether a sleeping person is
dreaming or not. And now, there is much research going on about
dreams and dreamless sleep. It has completely overturned the
ancient idea. The old idea was that there are a few dreams once
in a while, mostly early in the morning when you are going to
wake up; otherwise, you sleep soundly.
research says that you dream six hours out of eight. If you
sleep eight hours, then for six hours you dream. Those two hours
of dreamless sleep are also not solid, but broken here and there
– ten minutes here, fifteen minutes there. But this proportion
had never been mentioned anywhere in the world before.
And the
second revolutionary discovery which has come out of it is that
when you are watching somebody sleeping, you can know the type
of sleep just by looking at his eyes. They are closed, but if he
is dreaming, then you can see that under the eyelids, the eyes
are moving. That movement is absolutely clear. It is just like
when you read, you have to move your eyes; when you see a film,
you have to move your eyes. Dreaming is a kind of film running
on the screen of your mind, and the eyes have to move with it.
traditional wisdom was that if you don’t dream very much, it is
a sign of health. The modern researchers have found just the
opposite – of course this research is done with ordinary people,
not those who are meditating, otherwise the results would be
different. They have found that dreaming is a way of throwing
away all the dust that people have gathered during the day.
If they don’t dream they will go mad, because every day the dust
will go on collecting. Soon they will be surrounded by dust,
thick layers of thought, incomplete experiences, all kinds of
junk, and they will not be able to find the way out and come
back home. Every day, just as you take a bath or clean your
teeth, your mind automatically tries to throw away all kinds of
dust that has gathered during the day. This needssix hours, so
the healthy man dreams six hours and sleeps two hours.
brings many implications. The researchers have been
experimenting with a few people in one lab, and a few people in
another lab .... In one lab they try to disturb the people
whenever they start dreaming. Whenever they see that their eyes
are moving, they wake them up. In the other lab, they wake them
up whenever their eyes are not moving. In one lab they disturb
their sleep, and in the other they disturb their dreams. And the
strange result is that the people whose sleep is disturbed and
whose dreams are allowed, wake up profoundly refreshed without
any trouble. And the people whose dreams are disturbed and whose
sleep is allowed, wake up utterly tired, tattered. It seems that
dreams are more significant than sleep. But this research is
only confined to non-meditators.
meditator throws away all the dust himself, he does not wait for
the biological sleep to throw it away. He throws it away
consciously and with full awareness. Then his sleep becomes a
deep silence and also a deep awareness. This awareness has been
called the third eye, but the third eye is only a symbol.
What we
are doing here every day in meditation ... within two minutes
you are throwing away almost six hours’ load. It is a question
of totality. Don’t hold back, don’t think of what people will
think about you. Here, there is nobody even listening to you.
Everybody is so much involved in himself and everybody is
competing with everybody else! This throwing away gibberish will
reduce your dreams, and if you were brought to be examined for
your sleep, the results would be different. Your dreams would be
far less and your sleep would be longer.
And a
new factor will have arisen in you: a thin line of awareness,
which as you go on growing in meditation becomes bigger and
bigger. A point comes in that fire of your awareness where all
your dreams burn, and only sleep is left. The body sleeps, it is
tired – it needs rest. But your consciousness is never tired. It
burns bright, day in, day out.
" Zen: The Solitary Bird, Cuckoo of the Forest, Chapter 14 " -
No mind means intelligence
Just today I received a scientific research survey which has
astonished scientists – it will astonish anyone. The survey was
done on students to check their intelligence. During the test
there were machines detecting the activity going on inside the
brain. The puzzling conclusion was that the less activity shown,
the more intelligence there was. This was absolutely against the
traditional idea: a more active mind has to be more intelligent.
That has been the
superstition up to now, even in the eyes of science. But this
survey confirms something which the mystic has always been
saying: No-mind is intelligence. Looking at the survey you can
see two things: less activity, more intelligence. The natural
conclusion will be, no activity, absolute intelligence. But even
the scientists who were doing the survey did not conclude it the
way I am concluding it.
No-mind means
intelligence; mind means gibberish, not intelligence. And when I
am asking you for gibberish, I am simply asking you to throw out
the mind and all its activity so you remain behind, pure, clean,
transparent, perceptive.
Another report I have
received is from an institute in America. The institute trains
actors for films. The director must have read my books, because
he forces every student in the institute to do the Dynamic
Meditation, Kundalini Meditation and gibberish. And even those
people who had come just to learn the art of acting have,
strangely, felt a tremendous opening through gibberish – a
silence from the unknown descending and overwhelming them.
S ource:
" This, This, A Thousand Times This: The Very Essence of Zen,
Chapter 6 " - Osho
To be
out of the mind is to be in your own being
It is the very
essence of Zen when I say to you about our meditation: Don’t ask
why we have to go into gibberish. You have to go into gibberish
because you have to go out of it. Your minds are full of
gibberish and nothing else. Say everything that you ever wanted
to say and have not been able to say because of civilization,
education, culture, society. Here, nobody is listening:
everybody is engaged in his own business.
Only a few idiots may
be watching what is happening. Rather than participating they
are observing a phenomenal thing. But they will not know the
taste when – like after all this rain a coolness comes to you –
after gibberish a silence penetrates your being. Gibberish is
simply throwing away all garbage.
It is difficult to do
it anywhere else because you will wonder what people are going
to think. This is the place where nobody is thinking about you.
It is your business what you are saying, what you are doing,
laughing or crying or speaking Chinese without knowing it... and
making gestures. Nobody has time. It is so short that everybody
has to do his thing first.
When you are in
gibberish, you are alone; everybody is alone, minding his own
business. You don’t interfere and ask anybody, ”What are you
doing? What are you saying? What language?” No language, no
rationality... everybody is trying to throw out the craziness.
Everybody is trying to get out of the mind, out of the why.
And once you are out
of the mind, you are in.
To be in the mind is
to be out of yourself.
To be out of the mind
is to be in your own being.
Source: " Zen: The
Quantum Leap From Mind to No-Mind, Chapter 2 " - Osho
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