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Stories on Sexuality

  1. Annamalai Swami
  2. Swami Vivekananda
  3. Inner flowering of a monk
  4. Two monks crossing river

Inner flowering of a monk

Master used many devices to teach the disciples. One day Gautam Buddha asked one of his monk to beg Alms from a particular house and report to him in the evening.

In the evening Monk came back to Buddha and said "I won't go to that house again". Buddha asked the reason from monk and Monk replied "I was served very delicious food in the house. I thought of having some thing sweet to eat and Instantly I was offered sweet dish by the house lady.

Then I feel like sleeping and again i was asked by House lady to take rest for a while. At this I became afraid "I asked the lady. How can she feel what I desire".
She replied "witnessing my thoughts, my mind has become silent and now I can see other thoughts also."

And Monk said further to Buddha "looking at lady I had thoughts of sex also and that must also be read by that kind Lady and I am embarrassed now".

Buddha replied "But you have to go again to that house. But this time you should be a different person who will go for begging Alms. Just witness each thought that comes to your mind. Just watch it, don't cooperate with it, don't associate yourself with it and don't analyze it. No Thought is yours, they come from outside. Watch each step you take while walking"

Monk obeyed as Buddha said and that day new man went for Begging Alms. While Monk was walking he was aware of each step, he was aware of each thought and while eating he was aware of each bite. Thoughts came to him but there was no cooperation from his side and nothing could trouble him that day.

Some thing changed inside him that day. He was totally at peace with himself. Although the world was same. Only trouble in this world is our Mind.