Short Spiritual Quotes of Buddha's
- The whole art of meditation is to learn
awareness, alertness, consciousness. - Osho
- Your task is not to seek for love, but
merely to seek and find
all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it. -
Jelaluddin Rumi
- You are the Solitary Witness of All That
Is, forever free. Your only bondage is not seeing This. - Sage
- The master is not the body confined in his
bedroom, the master is the pure witness. - Swami Rajneesh
- Real rebirth is dying from the ego into
the spirit. This is the significance of the crucifixion of Jesus. -
Ramana Maharshi
- One has to go beyond the mind to
experience the spiritual bliss of desirelessness. - Meher Baba
- We attract forces according to our being.
- Gurdjieff
- A meditative person lives in the present,
because there is no other way to live. But if you want to postpone
living, you can live in the past or in the future. - Osho
- Ignorance lasts as long as one has ego.
There can be no liberation so long as the ego remains. - Sri
- Worshipping God for the sake of a desired
object is worshipping that desired object alone. - Ramana Maharshi
- A buddha will help you to relax, because
only in your deep relaxation will you also become a buddha. There is
no other way. - Osho
- Selfishness represents ignorance, while
self-less-ness is a reflection of the Truth. - Meher Baba
- One has to be choicelessly attentive,
fully aware; and this state of choiceless attention is meditation. -
Jiddu Krishnamurti
- A good friend who points out mistakes and
imperfections and rebukes evil is to be respected as if he reveals a
secret of hidden treasure. - Dhammapada Verses
- In the moment of enlightenment there is no
projection. It is absolute nothingness -- but not empty. Utterly
full of light, love, blissfulness. - Osho
- Serving the Master is the quickest means
of realising him. - Meher Baba
Short Spiritual Quotes
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