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Short Spiritual Quotes of Buddha's
  1. As long as we possess, we shall never love. - J Krishnamurti
  2. You don't need anything except yourself and your totality - Swami Rajneesh
  3. The state free from thoughts is the only real state. - Ramana Maharshi
  4. Watchfulness is the path of immortality:
    unwatchfulness is the path of death. - The Dhammapada
  5. As the witness grows stronger and stronger, the identification
    with thoughts and emotions and body slowly disappear. - Swami Rajneesh
  6. The quality of food influences the mind. The mind feeds on the food consumed. - Ramana Maharshi
  7. Without self-knowledge there is no individuality. - J Krishnamurti
  8. Love for the Sadguru or Perfect Master is particularly important, because it invites contact with the Sadguru. - Meher Baba
  9. Energy is understanding. Be conscious of it and use your energy very consciously, and use your energy in such a way that you don't simply go on wasting it. - Osho
  10. Doubts do not disappear without Self-realization. - Sri Ramakrishna
  11. Be grateful for whoever comes, because each has been sent
    as a guide from beyond. - Rumi
  12. People are afraid of death because they have not lived yet and death is coming closer. - Osho
  13. The guru cannot awaken you; all that he can do is to point out what is. - Jiddu Krishnamurti
  14. Meditation is not thinking; it is dropping of thinking. - Osho
  15. I am Awareness alone. The world is passing show. How can thoughts arise of acceptance or rejection? And where? - Sage Astavakra
  16. the family as a means of mutual inward security makes for conflict and confusion. - Jiddu Krishnamurti

Short Spiritual Quotes : Quotes2 | Quotes3 | Quotes4 | Quotes6