- You may speak of the scriptures, of
philosophy, of Vedanta; but you will not find God in any of these.
You will never succeed in realizing
God unless your soul becomes restless for Him.
- Dive deep. Learn to love God. Plunge into
divine love.
- The body has, indeed, only a momentary
existence. God alone is real. Now the body exists, and now it does
- I tell you the truth: there is nothing
wrong in your being in the world. But you must direct your mind
toward God; otherwise you will not succeed. Do your duty with one
hand and with the other hold to God. After the duty is over, you
will hold to God with both hands.
- I see Rama (Hindu God) in all things. You
are all sitting here, but I see only Rama in everyone of you.
- The Reality is one and the same. The
difference is only in name. He who is Brahman is verily Atman, and
again, He is the Bhagavan. He is Brahman to the followers of the
path of knowledge, Paramatman to the yogis, and Bhagavan to the
lovers of God.
- God has put you in the world. What can you
do about it? Resign everything to Him. Surrender yourself at His
feet. Then there will be no more confusion. Then you will realize
that it is God who does everything. All depends on 'the will of
- If a householder is a genuine devotee he
performs his duties without
attachment; he surrenders the fruit of his work to God—his gain or
loss, his pleasure or pain—and day and night he prays for devotion
and for nothing else. This is called motiveless work, the
performance of duty without attachment. A sannyasi, too, must do all
his work in that spirit of detachment; but he has no worldly duties
to attend to, like a householder.
- Why shouldn't a man be able to realize God
in the world? But he must
have discrimination and dispassion; he must have the unshakable
awareness that God alone is real and all else is unreal and has but
a two days' existence. It will not do to float on the surface. You
must dive deep.
- The mother of a certain Mallick, who
belonged to a very noble family, asked me if prostitutes would ever
be saved. She herself had led that kind of life; that is why she
asked the question. I said: 'Yes, they too will be saved, if only
they cry to God with a yearning heart and promise not to repeat
their sins.' What will the mere chanting of Hari's name accomplish?
One must weep sincerely.
Sri Ramakrishna Quotes -
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