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   Sri Ramakrishna Quotes and Sayings

  1. It is good to live in the company of holy men now and then. The
    disease of worldliness has become chronic in man. It is mitigated, to a great extent, in holy company.
  2. What will a man gain by knowing many scriptures? The one thing
    needful is to know how to cross the river of the world. God alone is real, and all else illusory.

  3. How much of the scriptures can you read? What will you gain by mere reasoning? Try to realize God before anything else. Have faith in the guru's words, and work. If you have no guru, then pray to God with a longing heart. He will let you know what He is like.
  4. God is our Inner Controller. Pray to Him with a pure and guileless heart. He will explain everything to you. Give up egotism and take refuge in Him. You will realize everything.
  5. The yogi seeks to realize the Paramatman, the Supreme Soul. His ideal is the union of the embodied soul and the Supreme Soul. He withdraws his mind from sense-objects and tries to concentrate it on the Paramatman. Therefore, during the first stage of his spiritual discipline, he retires into solitude and with undivided attention practises meditation in a fixed posture.
  6. It is all a question of the mind. Bondage and liberation are of the mind alone. The mind will take the colour you dye it with. It is like white clothes just returned from the laundry. If you dip them in red dye, they will be red. If you dip them in blue or green, they will be blue or green. They will take only the colour you dip them in, whatever it may be. Haven't you noticed that, if you read a little English, you at once begin to utter English words: Foot fut it mit?8 Then you put on boots and
    whistle a tune, and so on. It all goes together. Or, if a scholar studies Sanskrit, he will at once rattle off Sanskrit verses. If you are in bad company, then you will talk and think like your companions. On the other hand, when you are in the company of devotees, you will think and talk only of God.
  7. One cannot get true feeling about God from the study of books. This
    feeling is something very different from book-learning. Books, scriptures, and science appear as mere dirt and straw after the realization of God.
  8. He who has realized God has obtained the fruit of Immortality—not a common fruit like a gourd or a pumpkin. He is free from rebirth. He is not born anywhere—on earth, in the solar world, or in the lunar world.
  9. God-vision is necessary. Now the question is, how can one get it? Intense renunciation is the means. A man should have such intense yearning for God.
  10. What will it avail a man to have mere scholarship? A pundit may have studied many scriptures, he may recite many sacred texts, but if he is still attached to the world and if inwardly he loves 'woman and gold', then he has not assimilated the contents of the scriptures. For such a man the study of scriptures is futile. The almanac forecasts the rainfall for the year. You may squeeze the book, but you won't get a drop of water—not even a single drop.

Sri Ramakrishna Quotes - Quotes2, Quotes3, Quotes4, Quotes5, Quotes6, Quotes7, Quotes8, Quotes9, Quotes10, Quotes12