Question - Osho, Why is the New Generation such a
problem to the Parents? Osho - Narayana, BECAUSE THE NEW GENERATION IS MORE INTELLIGENT. Intelligence brings problems. And it is natural that the new generation should be more intelligent. That's how evolution happens. Each new generation is going to be more intelligent than the preceding one. Your children will be more intelligent than you, and your children's children will be more intelligent than your children. It
is a momentum, a gathering momentum. You are standing on the shoulders
of the Buddhas -- the whole part is yours. For example, in my being
Buddha is a part, Jesus is a part, Abraham is a part, Krishna is a part,
Mohammed is a part... in that way Buddha was poorer than me, Jesus was
poorer than me. And some future enlightened person will be richer than
me, because I will be part of his being but he cannot be part of my
being. Evolution goes on gathering momentum.
For example, a carpenter's son would learn all that he would ever learn through the father. The father would not only be the father but the teacher also. And the son would always be in awe and respect of him, because the father knew so much -- he knew everything about all kinds of trees and wood and this and that, and the son knew nothing. He would have tremendous respect. Age used to be respected: the older a man was in the ancient days, the more wise, of course, because of his experiences. But now we have invented better means of communication. The father is no more the teacher; now the teaching profession is a totally different profession. The child goes to the school. The father had gone to the school thirty or forty years before. In these thirty, forty years there has happened a knowledge explosion. The child will learn something which the father is not aware of, and when the child comes home, how can he feel any awe? -- because he knows more than the father, he is more up to date than the father. The father seems to be out-moded. This is the problem, and this is going to be so more and more, because our expectations are old and we still want the child to respect the parents as he used to respect them in the past -- but the whole situation has changed. You will have to learn something new now: start respecting the child. Now, the new has to be respected more than the old. Start learning from the child because he knows better than you. When your son comes from the university, he certainly knows better than you. That has been my experience at university. One of my philosophy professors used to talk such nonsense, and the reason was that he had been to university thirty years before. In those days, when he was a student, Hegel and Bradley, they were the most important figures in the world of philosophy. Now nobody cares about Hegel and Bradley. Now Wittgenstein and G. E. Moore have taken their place. This professor had no idea of Wittgenstein, no idea of G.E. Moore. He was so outmoded that I had to tell him. "You are so old, so useless, that either you start reading what is happening now in philosophy or you stop teaching!" Naturally, he was angry -- I was expelled from the university. He wrote a letter to the vice chancellor and said, "Either I am going to teach or this student is to remain in the university. but we cannot both remain together -- he is trouble." He was not ready to read Wittgenstein. In fact, I can
understand his problem: even if he had read he would not have
understood. Wittgenstein is a totally different world from Hegel. And he
used to talk about Hume and Berkeley... which are rotten names, no more
of any significance -- part of history, part of footnotes. This is the
problem. You ask me, Narayana: Source - Osho Book "The Fish in the Sea is not Thirsty"
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