Question - OSHO, Why do I
hate Homosexuals Osho - Sargam, DEEP DOWN YOU MUST BE A HOMOSEXUAL, otherwise why should you hate them? Hate is love upside-down, hate is love doing SIRSHASAN -- headstand. Hate knows yoga postures. And do you think you are a different person just by standing on your head? Many fools think that way: standing on their heads they think they are yogis; otherwise they were just ordinary people. Now, standing on their heads they are special people; distorting their bodies they think they are coming closer to God. They may be useful in a circus, but it has nothing to do with spirituality -- otherwise the people in circuses would be the most enlightened people in the world. You have seen girls in circuses doing such postures -- almost unbelievable, as if they are not made of blood and bone and flesh but of rubber. Do you think they become enlightened? Hate is a trick: you hate because you want to repress.
And hate is not good, because it does not harm the other, it simply
harms you. There are millions of people who hate homosexuals. That
simply means millions of people have the capacity of becoming
homosexuals if the opportunity is given to them. They have a deep
longing for the forbidden fruit. Just to keep themselves in control,
they create a great wall of hatred.
Now my sannyasins are in great trouble all over the world. Just a few days ago many letters have come that in Australia, the school, college, university authorities are very much disturbed by my orange-people, because many teachers, many professors, have become sannyasins. And a problem is being created by the parents and their leagues. The problem is being created that these orange people and their presence may corrupt their children, so the parents are against them. The Catholic priest comes in his robe; he is accepted, he does not corrupt. But my sannyasins, just because they are coming in orange robes, can be a dangerous influence. Anybody who is not behaving like you, not living like you, is hated. This is your experience in Poona too. The people are not really in any way HARMED by you -- my sannyasins are the most harmless people you can find anywhere -- but people are against you just because you look different. The homosexual has a very different lifestyle, and you
are heterosexual. He belongs to another religion, he has another
politics, he is not a man like you. The moment somebody says that he is
gay, a gap arises, a great gap. Now how can you communicate? Respect man, love man. Respect his individuality, respect his differences. And that is possible only if you respect your individuality. That is possible only if you are grounded in your own being and you are unafraid. I would like a world utterly fearless, where all labels can be removed. Once it happened: I entered an air-conditioned train compartment in Bombay. The only passenger in my cabin immediately fell on the floor and touched my feet -- -a traditional Hindu SASHTANG when your whole body touches the floor. I told him, "Wait, wait! I am not a Hindu! But he had already touched my feet. He was shaken; he said, "Then who are you?" I told him, "Can't you see my beard? I am a Mohammedan! " He said, "My God! And I have touched your feet! Why
didn't you say so before?" But now the thing was that we had to live in the same
compartment for twenty-four hours. And he was very much worried about
what he had done -- such a sin, never heard of before. And he said, "Do
you know? I am the highest brahmin caste, and I thought that you were a
mahatma." But he would look at me again and again -- pretending
to read his newspaper but he would look again and again. He was making
sure -- I didn't look like a Mohammedan. Finally he said, "You are
joking! You don't look like a Mohammedan." He jumped again, touched my feet, and said, "I was
watching you -- you don't look like a Mohammedan. The very vibe is that
of the purest saint." The man was angry. He called the conductor immediately
and he said, "Change my compartment! I cannot sleep in this compartment
-- twenty-four hours with this man will be a torture, a hell. I don't
know what kind of man he is. Sometimes he says he is Hindu, sometimes he
says he is Mohammedan." Source - Osho Book "Be Still and Know"
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