Jiddu Krishnamurti on Sexual
Question: How can I permanently get rid of sexual desire?
Jiddu Krishnamurti
: Why do we want to get permanently rid of a desire?
You call it sexual, somebody else calls it attachment, fear, and so on.
Why do we want to get rid of any desire permanently? Because that
particular desire is disturbing to us, and we don't want to be
disturbed. That is our whole process of thinking, is it not? We want to
be self-enclosed, without any disturbance, that is, we want to be
isolated; but nothing can live in isolation.
In his search for God, the so-called religious person is really seeking
complete isolation in which he will never be disturbed, but such a
person is not really religious, is he? The truly religious are those who
understand relationship completely, fully, and therefore have no
problems, no conflict. Not that they are not disturbed, but because they
are not seeking certainty, they understand disturbance, and therefore
there is no self-enclosing process created by the desire for security.
Now, this question requires a great deal of understanding because we are
dealing with sensation, which is thought. To most people, sex has become
an extraordinarily important problem. Being uncreative, afraid,
enclosed, cut off in all other directions, sex is the only thing through
which most people can find a release, the one act in which the self is
momentarily absent. In that brief state of abnegation when the self, the
'me', with all its troubles, confusions, and worries, is absent, there
is great happiness.
Through self-forgetfulness there is a sense of quietness, a release, and
because we are uncreative religiously, economically, and in every other
direction, sex becomes an overwhelmingly important problem. In daily
life we are mere gramophone records, repeating phrases that we have
learned; religiously we are automatons, mechanically following the
priest; economically and socially we are bound, strangled, by
environmental influences.
Is there a release for us in any of that? Obviously not; and where there
is no release, there must be frustration. That is why the sexual act, in
which there is a release, has become such a vital problem for most of
us. And society encourages and stimulates it through advertisements,
magazines, the cinema, and all the rest of it.
Now, as long as the mind, which is the result, the focal point of
sensation, regards sex as a means of its release, sex must be a problem,
and that problem will continue as long as we are incapable of being
creative comprehensively, totally, and not merely in one particular
Creativeness has nothing to do with sensation. Sex is of the mind, and
creation is not of the mind. Creation is never a product of the mind, a
product of thought, and in that sense, sex, which is sensation, can
never be creative. It may produce babies, but that is obviously not
creativeness. As long as we depend for release on sensation, on
stimulation in any form, there must be frustration, because the mind
becomes incapable of realizing what creativeness is.
This problem cannot be resolved by any discipline, by any taboos, by any
social edicts or sanctions. It can be resolved only when we understand
the whole process of the mind because it is the mind that is sexual. It
is the mind's images, fancies, and pictures that stimulate it to be
sexual, and as the mind is the result of sensation, it can only become
more and more sensuous.
Such a mind can never be creative because creation is not sensation. It
is only when the mind does not seek stimuli in any form, whether outward
or inward, that it can be completely quiet, free, and only in that
freedom is there creation. We have made sex into something ugly because
it is the only private sensation that we have; all other sensations are
public, open. But as long as we use sensation in any form as a means of
release, it will only increase the problems, the confusion and trouble,
because release can never come into being through seeking a result.
The questioner wants to end sexual desire permanently because he has an
idea that then he will be in a state in which all disturbances have
disappeared; that is why he is seeking it, striving towards it. The very
striving towards that state is preventing him from being free to
understand the process of the mind. As long as the mind is merely
seeking a permanent state in which it will have no disturbance of any
kind, it is closed, and therefore it can never be creative. It is only
when the mind is free of the desire to become something, to achieve a
result, and hence free of fear, that it can be utterly quiet; and only
then is there a possibility of that creativeness which is reality.
Related Jiddu Krishnamurti Articles:
- Why has Sex been
so deeply embedded in man
Why Sex has become a
central issue in your life
- Why is sex to most
of us a problem, full of confusion and conflict
- Jiddu Krishnamurti
on Marriage and importance given to Sex in Life
- Sex will remain a problem as
long as there is no creative state of being
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