Osho on Yogi Bhajan
Osho -
You must have heard the name of a great sardar yogi in America, Yogi
Bhajan. He was just a porter at Delhi Airport. He saw Muktananda coming
with seven hundred Americans.... Of course at that time his name was
Sardar Harbhajan Singh; he was a poor porter, but certainly he looked
far better than Muktananda, more impressive. The idea came into his
mind, "If this fool can be a PARAMAHANSA, A SATGURU, etcetera, etcetera,
then why should I waste my time just being a porter?" He dropped the
job, went to America, and is now the greatest spiritual leader of the
Sikh hierarchy in the Western hemisphere.
Just a few days ago, he was back in Delhi with all his disciples. One of
his bosses, who is a lover of me, passed by. He saw him sitting on the
lawn of the Delhi Taj Mahal Hotel with his disciples. He could not
recognize him, he had changed so much. He thought, "A great mahatma."
But Yogi Bhajan is a simple man in that way, far simpler than Muktananda
or Nirmala Devi. He sent a disciple to the boss to tell him, "Come to my
room. I have something to say to you."
The boss could not understand why the great yogi was calling him; he was
thrilled, excited. He went into the room, Yogi Bhajan came in and he
said, "Boss, don't you recognize me? I am just that poor Sardar
Harbhajan Singh, your porter. Have you forgotten me completely?"
Then he could recognize the face. He said, "But what has happened? You
have become such a great yogi with so many disciples!" Then he told the
story... that it is due to Muktananda. The whole credit goes to
Source: from Osho Book "The Goose is Out"
Osho - You must have heard
of the name Yogi Bhajan. In America he has many followers; he has turned
many American fools into SARDARS. He preaches the Sikh religion; he is
the head of the Sikh religion for the Western hemisphere. And do you
know what he was? He was just a porter at the Delhi airport.
But what happened to Nirmala Srivastava happened to him too. His name
was Sardar Haribhajan Singh. Muktananda came to Delhi airport with his
followers, and this porter was simply carrying his luggage. He looked at
this man; he said, "If this fool can lead, then what is wrong with me?"
And of course Sardar Haribhajan Singh is a taller man, healthier, more
robust, and far more intelligent. He immediately escaped to America,
became Yogi Bhajan, and gathered a big following.
Just a few days ago he was in Delhi, and one of the highest authorities
of the airport told Laxmi, "I was passing through the Taj Mahal Hotel in
New Delhi -- I had gone to see some friend -- and I saw on the lawn
there a very saintly man surrounded by many Americans. I asked, 'Who is
this man?' and I was told that he is a great guru, Yogi Bhajan. I
thought he must be a great yogi, otherwise how can you get such a
gathering?" This man felt happy because he is also a SARDAR, and Yogi
Bhajan has made all these people SARDARS; they were all sitting around
him with turbans and KIRPANS. He was very happy.
When he was passing by this crowd of Yogi Bhajan's people -- Yogi Bhajan
seems to be really a good man, a simple man -- he said, "Hey boss!" This
officer could not believe that he was calling him, so he thought he must
be calling somebody else: "How can such a great mahatma say, 'Hey boss!'
to me?" So he went on.
He again shouted, "Hey boss!" so he turned back. Yogi Bhajan took him
inside his suite in the Taj Mahal, closed the doors and said, "Have you
forgotten your poor porter, Sardar Haribhajan Singh? I am Sardar
Haribhajan Singh and nobody else. Have your forgotten your poor
Then he remembered. But he said, "How did this happen? How did you
become such a great mahatma?"
He said, "It is due to Muktananda. When I saw Muktananda I said, 'If
this fool can get a following, then what is wrong with me? Why should I
go on wasting my time being a porter at Delhi airport?' Now I am the
head of the Sikh religion in the Western hemisphere. I have thousands of
followers. But," he said, "to you, I say that I am simply the same man
-- I know nothing. But these people are greater fools than I am."
Source: from Osho Book "Philosophia Ultima"
Osho on -
Carlos Castaneda,
Gopi Krishna,
Nirmala Srivastava,
Nisargadatta Maharaj,
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi,
Muktanand & Franklin Jones
Ramtha Messages,
Rudolph Steiner,
Satya Sai Baba,
Sri Aurobindo,
Transcendental meditation,
U.G. Krishnamurti
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