U G Krishnamurti
Osho Quotes on U G Krishnamurti
- Just the other day I was reading a lecture
of U. G. Krishnamurti. He says he went to see Ramana Maharshi. He
was not attracted -- because he was chopping vegetables. Yes, Ramana
Maharshi was that kind of man, very ordinary. Chopping vegetables!
U. G. Krishnamurti must have gone to see somebody extraordinary
sitting on a golden throne or something. Ramana Maharshi just
sitting on the floor and chopping vegetables? preparing vegetables
for the kitchen! He was very much frustrated.
Then another day he went and saw him reading jokes. Finished for
ever! This man knows nothing. This man is very ordinary. He left the
ashram; it was not worth it. But I would like to say to you: this
man, Ramana Maharshi, is one of the greatest Buddhas ever born to
the world. That was his Buddhahood in action!
U. G. Krishnamurti must have been in search of a pretender. He could
not see the ordinariness and the beauty of it and the grace of it.
And this same man, U. G. Krishnamurti, lived with Swami Sivanand of
Rishikesh for seven years -- and that chap was just stupid -- and
practised yoga with him. And after seven years he recognized that he
has nothing; but after seven years, he took seven years. That simply
shows that he also has a mighty dull mind. Seven years to see that
Sivanand has nothing. Seven seconds are more than enough! And with
Ramana Maharshi, seven seconds were enough -- because he saw him
chopping vegetables or reading jokes, looking at cartoons. That's
how the ordinary mind, the egoistic mind functions.
The ego is always searching for something bigger, some bigger ego.
And the true sage has no ego; he is an ordinary man. He is utterly
ordinary -- that is his extraordinariness!
- I would like to say to U. G. Krishnamurti:
he should have looked in the eyes of Ramana Maharshi. He looked only
at the hands which were chopping vegetables. He should have looked
into his eyes -- with what love he was chopping the vegetables. He
should have looked into his eyes to see what love he was. He was the
Real Man.
There is only one indication and that is love. But to understand
love you have to be a little silent, a little loving, a little open.
If you are full of prejudices about how the enlightened man should
be, then you will go on missing. You should not have any prejudices.
Just look into the eyes of a real man, and suddenly something will
start stirring in your heart too. Tears will come to your eyes, your
energy will have a great delight, your heart will throb with new
vigour. Your soul will spread its wings.
- People used to miss Sri Ramana because he
was silent; he would not say much. Just the other day I mentioned
U.G. Krishnamurti. When he saw Ramana Maharshi reading joke books
nad looking at cartoons, he was very much frustrated. Not only that:
a man asked a question about God and U.G. Krishnamurti was present
there -- very seriously, bowing at his feet, a man asked about God.
And what did Sri Ramana do? do you know? He gave him a joke book and
said, "Read it!"
Naturally, U. G. Krishnamurti was very much offended. Is this a way?
This seems to be disrespectful to the man who has asked such a
serious question -- to give him a joke book. This is again a kick in
the pants, in its own way.
What he is saying is, "What nonsense are you talking about! God? It
is not a thing to be talked about -- better read a joke book and
have a good laugh.
"If you can laugh, maybe you can know God -- not by what I will say.
But if you can laugh a hearty laugh, a belly-laugh, in that moment
thinking stops."
Now, he has given a great message without saying a single word. Have
you not watched it? When you laugh you are off mind. For a moment
you are no more in the mind. Laughter takes you somewhere else.
Where does it take you? It takes you to the same place where
meditation takes you. So if you see a very serious and sad man and
he claims that he is meditating, know well that he is not
meditating. Meditation is always dancing. It is never serious, sad
-- it is sincere, of course, but never sad. It is joyous, it is gay.
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