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Osho on Gorakh Nath Sutra - DIE, O YOGI, DIE!

Osho on Gorakh Nath Sutra - "DIE, O YOGI, DIE!
                                                      DIE, O YOGI, DIE! DIE, SWEET IS DYING"

Osho - DIE, O YOGI, DIE!
What a wonderful statement! He says die, disappear, be completely obliterated.

Because in this universe there is nothing sweeter than death. DIE THAT DEATH and die such a death GORAKH DIED AND SAW, die that way in which Gorakh attained enlightenment. In the same way you die and see. One death we are already familiar with: in which the body dies, but our ego and mind go on living. This same ego finds a new womb. This same ego, troubled by new desires, again starts off on the journey. Even before leaving behind one body, it is already eager for another. This death is not the real death.

I have heard, one man told Gorakh he was thinking of committing suicide.
Gorakh said: "Go and commit it, but I tell you, afterwards you will be very surprised."

That man said: "What do you mean? I came to you so that you would tell me 'Don't do it!' I went to other sadhus. They all cautioned me: 'Brother, don't do it, suicide is a great sin.'"
Gorakh said: "Are you mad? No one can commit suicide. No one can even die. Dying is not possible. I warn you, do it and you will be very surprised. After committing suicide you will discover, 'What! The body is left behind, but I am exactly as I was!'... And if you want to commit real suicide, then stay with me. If you want to play nonsense games, then it's up to you -- jump from some mountain, put your neck in a noose. But if you want the real death, then stay by my side. I will give you the art which brings on the great death, then there will be no possibility of returning again." But that great death seems to us to be nothing but great death, this is why he is calling it sweet.


Gorakh says I teach death, the death I passed through and became awakened. It was the death of sleep, not of me. The ego died, not me. Duality died, not me. Duality died, and non-duality was born. Time died, and I met the eternal. The small constricted life broke, and the drop became the ocean. Yes, certainly when the drop falls into the ocean in one sense it is dying. As a drop it is dying. And in another sense for the first time it attains to the great life -- it lives on as the ocean.

The poet Rahim has said:
The drop equals the ocean, what a miracle! whom to tell?
Rahim the seeker astounded, looking at himself.

Rahim says, the drop is equal to the ocean, how miraculous! Who to tell? Who will believe it? It is so wondrous who will accept that the drop and the ocean are equal, that the drop is the ocean? The whole existence is enthroned in an atom, that nothing is small here, that every thing contains the whole!

The drop equals the ocean, what a miracle! whom to tell? It is so wondrous, if you tell it to someone he will not believe it. It is so wondrous that when I knew it for the first time myself, I didn't want to believe it.

Rahim the seeker astounded...
When I saw it for the first time, I too remained astounded.
Rahim the seeker astounded, looking at himself.

I looked at myself and was astounded, because I had always thought I am small and constricted. But one's own vastness is experienced when one breaks the boundaries of the limited, when one transcends the small.

As an ego you have not gained anything, you have only lost. Creating the ego you have not received anything, you have lost all. You have remained a drop, a very tiny drop. The more arrogant you are, the smaller you go on becoming. Conceit strengthens the ego more and more. The more you melt the bigger you become, the more you dissolve, the greater you become. If you dissolve completely, if you evaporate completely, the whole sky is yours. Fall into the ocean, you become the ocean. Evaporated, rising in the sky, you become the sky. Your being is one with existence.

The drop equal to the ocean, what a miracle! whom to tell? But when you experience it for the first time you too will be dumb-struck, like a dumb man eating sweets. The experience will be there, the taste will be there, the nectar will be showering inside, but you will have no words to convey it.

... what a miracle! whom to tell?
How to say? It is such a marvellous thing.

Those who courageously declared, "Aham brahmasmi -- I am the ultimate": do you think people accepted it? Mansoor said, "Anal haq -- I am the truth" and people killed him. Jesus was crucified because he said, "I and My Father above are one." The Father and the son are not two. The Jews could not forgive him. Whenever anyone has declared his godliness people could not forgive him. This is how it is!

... what a miracle! whom to tell?
Who to say it to? Whoever you tell will start denying it.

Yesterday the former vice-chancellor of Gurukul Kangri, Satyavrat, was here visiting the ashram. Ma Darshan was giving him a tour of the ashram. Satyavrat has written books on the Upanishads. He is a scholar of the Vedas. Very few people in this country know the Vedas with such depth as Satyavrat. I have read his books, his ideas. But his question to Darshan was the same as others: "Why do you call your master Bhagwan?" He too...

There is no difference at all between our scholars and the ignorant. Darshan answered him well. She said, "You too are Bhagwan, but you have not remembered it and he has remembered." It was an appropriate answer, a clear-cut answer. And when a scholar comes to the ashram, remember to answer clearly like this.

Satyavrat has written books on the Upanishads. He must have come across the words "Aham brahmasmi" -- who has not come across them? Certainly, he must have thought and contemplated over the great statement: "Tattvamasi Shvetketu -- O Shvetketu, thou art that." And he must have expounded it, he must have given lectures on it. But it stayed just on the surface. It has gone deeper in simple ordinary Darshan. In him it has remained just scholarly, empty, like rubbish. It is worthless, not worth two cents.

The Upanishads say, "Thou art that" and the Upanishads say, "I am Brahma, the ultimate." But still you go on asking why somebody is called Bhagwan? I ask you, who is there who should not be called Bhagwan?

Someone asked Ramakrishna, "Where is god?"
Ramakrishna said, "Don't ask this, ask where he is not?"

The priests of the Kaaba told Nanak, "Move your feet so they don't point at the Kaaba. Are you not ashamed? -- a holyman and still your feet are stretched out towards the holy temple."

Nanak said, "Move my feet in that direction where Allah is not. What should I do? Where can I put my feet? Which direction shall I point them in? I have to point them somewhere. He is present everywhere, he pervades all directions. But I am not worried," Nanak said, "it is he who is inside, he outside. The Kaaba stone is his, these feet are his. What can I do? Who am I to come in between?"

Darshan said rightly, "When you awaken you will know that it is only bhagwan who is present." This is what surprises me, that the people we call wise... and these same wise people lead others. The blind leading the blind, both fall in the well. Great are his degrees -- Satyavrat 'Siddhantalankar' -- the one who knows the principle. Without enlightenment no one knows the principle. No principles are known by reading scriptures -- they are known by going within.

The drop equals the ocean, what a miracle! whom to tell?
Rahim the seeker astounded, looking at himself.

Rahim says, when I look within myself I too am astounded, amazed, speechless! I myself cannot believe: me? god? This voice which is arising from within, this sound of Analhaq within, this echo of Aham brahmasmi within, this soundless sound Omkar awakening within -- I myself cannot believe that I, Rahim, me, a common little man like me... me? god?

The drop equals the ocean...
Who should I tell when I myself am finding it difficult to trust, then whom should I tell?

This is why I am sitting here, to help you trust it. When this trust comes, it is satsang, sitting with the master. Sitting near me don't become Siddhantalankaras, become Siddhas, the fulfilled ones, less than that won't do. Less than that is worthless. Learn the art of dying. DIE, O YOGI DIE. Die as a drop, and become the ocean. The art of dying is the art of attaining absolute life.

Source - Osho Book "Death is Divine"

Related Osho Links on Gorakh:

  1. Osho on Gorakh Nath
  2. Osho - Why is Gorakh Nath against Pundits?

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