Question -
Are Witnessing and Sensitivity two sides of the same
coin? Osho - They are not two sides of the same coin -- witnessing and sensitivity. But sensitivity is one of the qualities that develops in you with witnessing. Other qualities also develop. With witnessing you become almost a garden -- many flowers and many fragrances develop in you. Witnessing becomes your very base of transformation. The more you see your mind, the more you witness it, the less you will find it. It needs unconsciousness to be there. It is an animal that exists only in darkness. As you bring the light in, the mind with its thoughts starts disappearing.
And it is the thickness of thoughts that
makes you insensitive. When there are no thoughts and
you are simply a witness, just a mirror, then your
sensitivity is infinite. Then anything that comes in
front of you is reflected totally. Then you see the same
rose flower with a totally different vision: then it
becomes radiant, then it radiates not only color but
rays. Then it becomes not only just matter but an energy
When you become a witness you become a sensitive mirror, more sensitive than Kirlian's photoplates. You will see things in a totally new light -- the same things, the same world, but in a totally different light. Ordinary things start having extraordinary beauty. Just pebbles on the shore become more valuable, more charming, than any Kohinoor -- because it all depends how you see them. If you can see their aura, their light, their color, their beauty, then they are no more just stones -- they have become flowers. And as you become more and more sensitive you will have an understanding of people which you never had before. Just seeing the face of a man you will be seeing much more than the man himself knows about. Just holding the hand of a man you will know much more of his energy than he has ever known. Being with someone you will find that your energy is being sucked and you feel tired -- just being with him. And with somebody else you feel you are nourished, you feel healthier, you feel more well-being. Different people will give you different experiences, and different people will become attracted to you as your awareness grows. Then only the better quality people will be coming closer to you. It is true that a man can be known by his friends, by the company he keeps. It is absolutely true, because you cannot keep company which is not in tune with your inner being. With your witnessing there will be a
few difficulties: your old friends may not remain your
friends any more, not that you have done any harm to
them but simply you have changed and now you no longer
fit with their state, with their consciousness. So don't
be worried about that. If you are married and you find
that your wife is falling far away from you then it is
better to tell her what you are doing: that if she wants
to be with you, if she loves you the way you love her,
you would like her also to be a companion on the path of
meditation. Otherwise, soon you will be so far away from
each other that everything will be misunderstood. Related Osho Discourses: |