Osho on Sri Ramakrishna Bhakti yoga and Path of Devotion
Osho - Ramakrishna said that bhakti yoga was
the most suitable approach because it was the most suitable for him. That is
the basic window through which he came under the sky. It is not a question
of an approach being suitable or unsuitable for a particular age. We cannot
think in terms of ages. Centuries live contemporaneously. We seem to
be contemporaries; we may not be. I may be living twenty centuries back.
Nothing is absolutely past. For someone it is present. Nothing is absolutely
future. For someone it is present. And nothing is absolutely present either.
For someone it is past and for someone else it is yet to come. So no
categorical statement can be made for the age as such. Ramakrishna was
a devotee. He came to God through prayer and love, through emotion. He
realized in this way, so for him it seemed that this would be helpful to
everybody. He could not understand how his way might be difficult to others.
However sympathetic we may be, we always see others in the light of our own
experiences. So for Ramakrishna, the way seemed to be bhakti yoga: the way
of devotion.
If we want to think in terms of ages, we can say that this age is the most
intellectual, the most scientific, the most technological,. the least
devotional, the least emotional. What Ramakrishna was saying was right for
him might have been right for the people who were with him, but Ramakrishna
never affected the larger world. He belongs basically to the village, to the
nontechnological, nonscientific mind. He was a villager -- uneducated,
unacquainted with the greater world -- so what he said should be understood
according to his village language.
He could not conceive of the days that have now come. He was basically part
of the peasant's world where intellect was nothing and emotion was
everything. He was not a man of this age. What he was saying was all right
for the world in which he moved, but not for the world that exists now.
These three types have always existed: the intellectual, the active, the
emotional. There will always be a balance among them, just as there is
always a balance between males and females. The balance cannot be lost for
long. If it is lost, it will soon be regained.
In the West you have lost the balance. Intellect has become the predominant
factor. It may appeal to you that Ramakrishna says, "Devotion is the path
for this age," because you have lost the balance. But Vivekananda says the
opposite. Because the East has also lost the balance, he is predominantly
intellectual. This is just to balance the existing extreme. It is
complementary in a sense. Ramakrishna was the emotional type and his
chief disciple was the intellectual type. He was bound to be. That is the
coupling: the male and the female. Ramakrishna is absolutely female:
nonaggressive, receptive. Sex not only exists in biology; it exists
In every field, whenever there is polarity there is sex and the opposite
becomes attracted. Vivekananda could never be attracted to any
intellectual. He could not be; he was not the polar opposite. There were
intellectual giants in Bengal. He would go to visit them and would come away
empty-handed. He would not be attracted. Ramakrishna was the least
intellectual person possible. He was everything that Vivekananda was not,
everything that he was seeking.Vivekananda was the opposite of Ramakrishna,
so what he taught in Ramakrishna's name was not in the same spirit as
Ramakrishna's teaching itself.
So whoever comes to Ramakrishna through Vivekananda can never come to
Ramakrishna at all. Whoever understands Vivekananda's interpretation of
Ramakrishna can never understand Ramakrishna himself. The interpretation
comes from the polar opposite. When people say, "Without Vivekananda
we would never have known about Ramakrishna," it is right in a sense. The
world at large would never have heard about Ramakrishna without Vivekananda.
But with Vivekananda, whatever is known about Ramakrishna is basically
false. It is a misinterpretation. This is because his type is quite contrary
to Ramakrishna's type.
Ramakrishna never argued; Vivekananda was argumentative. Ramakrishna was
ignorant; Vivekananda was a man of knowledge. What Vivekananda said about
Ramakrishna was said through the mirror of Vivekananda. It was never
authentic. It couldn't be. This has always been happening. It will go
on happening. Buddha attracts persons who are the polar opposite to him. Mahavira and Jesus attract persons who are spiritually the other sex. These
opposites then create the organization, the order. They will interpret. The
very disciples will be the falsifiers. But this is what is so. It cannot be
Source : from book "the psychology of
the esoteric" by Osho
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