Jiddu krishnamurti on Action based on idea is very SuperficialQuestion: For Truth to come, you advocate action
without idea. Is it possible to act at all times without idea, that is,
without a purpose in view? In other words, I am not charitable, I am not loving,
there is no forgiveness in my heart but I feel I must be charitable. So
there is a gap, between what I am and what I should be; we are all the
time trying to bridge that gap. That is our activity, is it not? Now
what would happen if the idea did not exist? At one stroke, you would
have removed the gap, would you not? You would be what you are. You say
”I am ugly, I must become beautiful; what So you introduce idea separate from action. Therefore
there is never true action of what you are but always action based on
the ideal of what you will he. The stupid man always says he is going to
become clever. He sits working, struggling to become; he never stops, he
never says ”I am stupid”. So his action, which is based on idea, is not
action at all. Action based on idea is very superficial, is not true action at all, is only ideation, which is merely the thought process going on. Action which transforms us as human beings, which brings regeneration, redemption, transformation - call it what you will - such action is not based on idea. It is action irrespective of the sequence of reward or punishment. Such action is timeless, because mind, which is the time process, the calculating process, the dividing, isolating process, does not enter into it. This question is not so easily solved. Most of you put questions and expect an answer ”yes” or ”no”. It is easy to ask questions like ”What do you mean?” and then sit back and let me explain but it is much more arduous to find out the answer for yourselves, go into the problem so profoundly, so clearly and without any corruption that the problem ceases to be. That can only happen when the mind is really silent in the face of the problem. The problem, if you love it, is as beautiful as the sunset. If you are antagonistic to the problem, you will never understand. Most of us are antagonistic because we are frightened of the result, of what may happen if we proceed, so we lose the significance and the purview of the problem. |