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Gautam Buddha Dhammapada Teachings - Yourself

Love yourself and watch -
Today, tomorrow, always.
First establish yourself in the way,
Then teach,
And so defeat sorrow.

To straighten the crooked
You must first do a harder thing -
Straighten yourself.

You are your only master.
Who else?
Subdue yourself,
And discover your master.

Wilfully you have fed
Your own mischief.
Soon it will crush you
As the diamond crushes stone.

By your own folly
You will be brought as low
As you worst enemy wishes.

So the creeper chokes the tree.
How hard it is to serve yourself,
How easy to lose yourself
In mischief and folly.

The kashta reed dies when it bears fruit.
So the fool,
Scorning the teachings of the awakened,
Spurning those who follow the dharma,
Perishes when his folly flowers.

Mischief is yours.
Sorrow is yours.
But virtue is also yours,
And purity.

You are the source
Of all purity and impurity.

No one purifies another.
Never neglect your work
For another's,
However great his need.

Your work is to discover your work
And then with all your heart
To give yourself to it..





Buddha Dhammapada Teachings -  Choices    Wakefulness    Mind    Flowers    The Fool    Wise Man    Master    The Thousands   Mischief    Violence    Old Age   Yourself    The World    Man who is Awake    Joy    Pleasure    Anger    Impurity    The Just  
The Way    Out of the Forest    The Dark    The Elephant    Desire    The Seeker    True Master

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