Osho Quotes on Laughter and
Laughter as a Meditation
- If people could laugh totally every day
for at least one hour, without any reason, they would not need any
other meditation. That would be enough, because while you are
laughing you cannot think. While you are laughing you cannot be in
the past, you cannot be in the future: you have to be here now.
Laughter can open a door to the ultimate.
- My own experience says to me that if you
can laugh rightly, in the right moment, it will bring you out of
unconsciousness into the open sky, from the darkness to the light. I
am introducing laughter as a meditation because nothing makes you so
total as laughter; nothing makes you stop your thinking as laughter
does. Just for a moment you are no more a mind. Just for a moment
you are no more in time. Just for a moment you have entered into
another space where you are total and whole and healed.
- You cannot laugh partially. Try, and you
will fail. You can laugh only totally. That is a unique quality
about laughter. That's why I had made a meditation of it -- because
of its unique quality: in laughter you are total without anyone
saying to you, "Be total."
- The secret of the joke is that it brings
you to a point where you are expecting, expecting, expecting that
this is going to happen; then it never happens. And what happens is
so sudden... and because you were expecting something you were
coming to a tension, and then suddenly something else happens, and
the tension has come to such a climax that it explodes. You are all
laughter. It is a tremendous release, it is great meditation. If you
can laugh totally, it will give you a moment of no-time, no-mind.
Mind lives logically with expectations, laughter is something that
comes from the beyond. Mind is always guessing what is going to
happen, groping. And something happens which is absolutely contrary
to its expectations: it simply stops for a moment.
- Laughter is the only ordinary experience
when you are no longer a mind, and I use it to give you glimpses of
no-mind, of meditation, of a transcendence of mind. Perhaps I am the
first man in the whole history of mankind who has been using jokes
as a preparation for meditation
- Before we enter into, not contemplation,
but meditation, I don't want you to be serious. I am so against
seriousness -- it is a spiritual sickness. Laughter is spiritual
health. And laughter is very unburdening. While you laugh, you can
put your mind aside very easily. For a man who cannot laugh the
doors of the buddha are closed.
To me, laughter is one of the greatest values. No religion has ever
thought about it. They have always been insisting on seriousness,
and because of their insistence the whole world is psychologically
- Before we enter into our daily meditation,
into our Zen... I am using laughter as a preface, a foreword to the
coming silence. As laughter recedes into silence... the greater the
laughter, the more total the laughter, the greater the silence that
will follow behind it.
Nobody in the past has ever used laughter as a device. But I find
that only in laughter are you once in a while total. In laughter
only, once in a while you forget yourself; just the laughter remains
and you are not.
- To me, to laugh wholeheartedly is the
greatest celebration that can happen to a man -- to laugh
wholeheartedly, to become the laughter. Then no meditation is
needed, it is enough.
- The idea has gone very deep in the human
mind that religious people have to be serious and sad, with long
faces. Laughter seems to be too mundane. It is not so. Laughter is
one of the most sacred phenomenon on the earth. In fact in profound
laughter mind disappears exactly like it disappears in meditation.
That's why laughter is so relaxing, so rejuvenating. A good laugh is
a tonic, it is very vital for one's well-being.
The man who cannot laugh is ill, sick. A heartfelt laughter releases
your hidden sources of energy. One thing is certain, when you are in
real laughter, when it is not just polite, when it is not just
polite, when it is not just to say that yes, you understand the
humour of the situation or the meaning of the joke, when it is
really arising out of your heart, when it is total, whole, when your
whole being is throbbing with it, then it gives you a taste of
Mind disappears; it cannot exist in laughter. It melts, it
evaporates, for a moment there is no mind, there is only laughter.
There is no one who is laughing, there is pure laughter. And that's
exactly what meditation is. When the dancer disappears and there is
only dance it is meditation, when the singer disappears and there is
only singing it is meditation, when the lover disappears and there
is only loving it is meditation, when the walker disappears and is
only walking it is meditation. And laughter gives you the taste of
meditation more easily than anything else.
- Laughter is tremendously healthy.
Playfulness is as sacred as any prayer or maybe more sacred than any
prayer, because playfulness, laughter, singing, dancing, will relax
you. And only the truth is possible in a relaxed state of being.
When you are totally relaxed, in a state of let-go, the impossible
starts happening, the miracle starts happening. Let-go is the secret
of meditation.
Related Osho Links:
Osho on Zan Master Hotei - Laughing Buddha
Osho on Laughter as a part of Spiritual practice
Osho on Laughter and Its relation
with No Mind
What is the most
stupid thing Mulla
Nasrudin ever did
Laughter Meditation -
Starting and Ending day with Laughter
is very essence of religion. Seriousness is never Religious
Osho discourse on Sufi Mystic
Mulla Nasruddin
Osho on Zen
Laughter Meditation and Zen Vision
Osho Jokes on Mulla Nasruddin
Part 1,
Part 3
Osho -
Nobody is a saviour neither Buddha nor Jesus Christ
Laughter is
repressed by Society, Society wants you to be serious
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