Question - I've heard you have little respect for
people like the pope, Mother Teresa, Mahatma Gandhi and a host of
others. Is there anyone that you can name...?
Osho - No. I don't look up to anybody and I don't want anybody
else to look up to me. For example, Mother Teresa. You reward this woman with
Nobel Prize. Universities go on giving her D.Litts. Countries go on
pouring on... awards on her. And what she is doing? One of the men went to Mother Teresa's one of the
centers in Calcutta. The secretary asked, "What do you want?" He said,
"I want to adopt one child." Just a minute before, there were seven hundred, but
because he is not a Catholic.... I asked her that, "All these children have come from
either Hindu, Mohammedan or other Indian religions. None of them has
come from Catholic religion. On what grounds you are teaching them
Catholicism? You should teach a Hindu child Hinduism and give it to a
Hindu family if you are sincere and honest." "In fact, if he meets, he has to ask me to be
forgiven, because it is he who has created this world ugly. It is he who
has created Adolf Hitler, who killed ten million people, Josef Stalin,
Benito Mussolini. He has to give explanations why these people were
created by him, if he is the creator. And these people go on teaching in a poor country like India against birth control methods, against the pill, against abortion, for the simple reason because if there is abortion, if there is birth control, if the pill is available freely to poor people, from where Mother Teresa is going to have more orphans? The supply of orphans is needed urgently for more Catholics. That's why I call this woman is a criminal. And anybody who is teaching around the world -- and she is one of them -- celibacy is teaching homosexuality or lesbianism, and the ultimate result is AIDS. And these are the people responsible for it. Nobody can be celibate scientifically. And I am simply amazed. There are millions of scientists around the world, doctors around the world, and nobody says clearly that celibacy is impossible. Because it is part of your biology, and biology is not in the control of your mind. It is not that when you want to perspire you can, or you can decide that, "I take the vow that I will not perspire any more." It is not within your mind. Your body has its own program, which is absolutely determined from your birth. So all your celibate saints are simply hypocrites. There has been no celibate ever, and there cannot be any celibate in future. So the ultimate result of talking celibacy and teaching that it is something holy, sacred, causes homosexuality, sodomy, masturbation, nocturnal emissions and thousands of perversions. Even Mahatma Gandhi at the age of seventy was suffering from nocturnal emissions. And you are teaching a young boy fourteen years of age that, "You have to be celibate" when he is full of sexual energy. Near about eighteen the boy comes to his peak of sexual energy. He can have from three to five love affairs in the night. But after forty-two even one is enough. And after fifty-two, once in a week. Source - Osho Book "The Last Testament, Vol2"
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