Osho on Watching and Watchfulness
Osho - The phenomenon of
witnessing has
no ABC or XYZ. It is a simple phenomenon; it is a single step.
It is one process. You can watch the body; the watching is the
same. You can watch the mind - the object has changed, but the
watching is the same. You can watch the emotions - again objects
have changed, but the process of watching is the same.
You can
watch the watcher - a tremendous quantum leap, but still
the subject is the same; only the object has changed. Now
watchfulness itself is being used as an object. And you have
stepped behind watchfulness; you can watch it. And you cannot go
beyond this watchfulness. You have come to the very end of your
inner core.
So you are going perfectly right. Enjoy it, rejoice in it. More
and more silence and peace will be coming your way, more and
more blissfulness and benediction. There is no end as far as
rewards are concerned, because they are all along the way. From
the beginning to the very end, each step brings a new space -
but it is the same step.
The journey of one thousand miles is done by the simple step,
one step. You cannot take two steps at one time. Step after
step, just a single step can be stretched to ten thousand miles
or to infinity.
Watchfulness is a simple step. There is no
alphabet in it. There are no beginners in it; there are no
amateurs in it and no experts in it. Everybody is in the middle,
always in the middle. You are moving perfectly right. Just go
Source : from Osho book "Osho Upanishad, Chapter 11 "
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