Osho on Woman
destructive attitude during Periods
Question : When I have my period, I
always go mad. Last time, I Smashed somethings in the house. Why
do i always feel So Desructive during my period?
Osho :
To feel wild is not bad, but
to break anything is not good, mm? Whenever you feel wild, dance
a wild dance -- but never destroy anything. It may not be a
problem -- you can destroy a pot -- but the very idea of
destruction is bad. It gives you a destructive attitude towards
life. And the pot is just an excuse. You would really like to
destroy more valuable things -- even valuable relationships,
people, mm? But you cannot destroy that much, you cannot bear
it, so you break a poor pot -- and he has not done anything!
For many women the days of the period are a little destructive,
and the reason is very biological. You have to understand and
become a little alert and aware so that you can rise a little
higher than your biology; otherwise you are in the grip of it.
If you are pregnant, the period stops because the same energy
that has been released in
the period starts being creative: it creates the child. When you
are not pregnant, every month the energy accumulates and if it
cannot be creative then it becomes destructive.
So when a woman is having her period, for those four or five
days she has a very destructive attitude, because she does not
know what to do with the energy. And the energy vibrates, it
haunts the innermost core of your being, and you cannot give any
creativity to it. All creative energy can become destructive and
all destructive energy could have become creative. For example,
Hitler. He wanted to be a painter in the very beginning, but he
not allowed. He could not manage to pass the examination and
enter into the art school.
The man who could have been a painter became one of the most
destructive men in the world. With the same energy he may have
become a Picasso. And one thing is certain -- he had energy. The
same energy could have been infinitely creative. Ordinarily,
women are not destructive. In the past they were never
destructive because
they were continuously pregnant. one child is born, then they
are again pregnant; again another child is born and then again
they are pregnant. For their whole life they used their energy.
Now, for the first time in the world a new danger is arising,
and that is the destructiveness of women. Because now there is
no need for them to be pregnant continuously. In fact pregnancy
is almost out of date. But the energy is there. I see a deep
connection between birth control methods and the Women's
Liberation Movement. Women are becoming destructive and they are
destroying family life, their relationships. They may be trying
to rationalise it in many ways, but they are trying to be
liberated from the slavery In fact it is a destructive phase.
They have the energy and they don't know what to do with it. The
birth control methods have stopped their creative channelization.
Now if some channels are not opened to them they will become
very destructive.
In the West the family life is almost gone. There is continual
conflict, continual fighting, quarreling and being nasty to each
other. And the reason is -- and nobody understands what the
reason is -- a biological problem. So whenever you feel that the
period is coming, be more alert, and before it starts, do wild
The Ethiopian dance [group] will be helpful. You can go beyond
nature because you have a higher nature also. One can go beyond
biology, and one has to otherwise one is a slave to hormones! So
whenever you feel destructive, start dancing. What I am saying
is that dancing will absorb your energy. You are doing the
You say you like to rest and not do anything during these days,
but do something -- anything, go for a long walk -- because the
energy needs release. Once you catch the point, once you know
that the dance relaxes you completely, those four days of your
period will become the most beautiful because you will never
have so much energy as then.
Related Article in Meditation section:
"How can we watch, yet not identified with some thing that is
such an intrinsic part of our biology (menstruation)?
Osho Articles on Women:
Osho on Woman
Osho on Nice Qualities
of Woman
Osho on Qualities of the
Female Mind
Osho on Motherly
Qualities of woman
Osho discourse on
Women’s Menopause
Osho on Special
Meditations for Women
Osho on
Responsiblity of being a Mother
Osho on Mother duty in Child
Osho - Woman should not try to
imitate Man
Osho on Pain
of Witch and Beauty of Witches
Osho on greatest need of
Contemporary Woman
Osho on Female Creativity - Female
Creative Spirit
Osho on Negativity in Mother Daughter
Osho on importance of
Commitment in a Relationship
Osho discourse on Being an
Artist rather than a Mother
Osho - Whenever a Child is born, the
Mother is also Born
- Every man is
a woman too and Every woman is a Man too
- Osho - Can you say
something about the mystery of Women
Osho on
Difficulty in Loving Oneself - learning to love oneself
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