Osho on
Female Creativity - Female Creative Spirit
Question: Could you speak of the
creative Female? I am a woman, And the creative spirit burns
strongly in me. Recently, You mentioned that there should be
much art and music, But it was in reference to men. I know women
can offer a Vision, an insight, a Softness to the world of art
that has Never before been seen. I feel it has a different base
to Start from. Perhaps it is because art can be born out of Love
and no longer needs to be Conquered.
Osho : Creativity is not concerned
whether you are man or woman. If you feel to be creative, do it.
But don't think that you are going to give creativity something
higher, something that man has failed to do. Why always go on
putting dividing lines between man and woman? The truth is that
every man carries a woman within him, and every woman carries a
man within her. And it is bound to be so, because whether you
are man or woman, you are created by one man, one woman. They
have contributed to you half and half.
Your father and your mother both are alive in you. It is only a
question of which side of the coin is facing up and which side
is underneath. That's why it is so easy for Leeladhar to change
a man into a woman, or a woman into a
man, because the basic reality is similar -- just a little bit
of difference which makes no difference. Even a plastic surgeon
can do it, you don't need a spiritual surgeon for it. Certainly,
it will be a better art if both men and women are creating from
their different angles. But the way you say it, you don't
understand creativity at all.
You say creativity can be out of love; painting, sculpture and
dancing need not be conquered. But the possibility is
ninety-nine percent that love is so fulfilling you will not
bother to paint. You will not bother to waste your time in
making a statue. Love is so fulfilling that who cares about
writing poetry? Poetry is written by people who have missed the
train. Now they are somehow consoling themselves by writing
poetry about love -- love they do not know. It is very difficult
to be creative out of love. Yes, a different kind of creativity
will be there.
If you love a man, perhaps your kitchen will become the field of
your creativity. You would like your man to have the best food.
You would like the man to have the best clothes. Just look at my
clothes! This is creativity out of love. Rarely is it possible
for a woman who loves, to be bothered about painting, poetry,
dancing, et cetera. It is really man's inferiority complex --
that he cannot love so deeply, that he cannot give birth to a
child -- that makes him have to find some substitutes to compete
with the woman.
He creates painting, he creates sculpture, he creates
architecture, he creates the landscape for a garden. He wants to
feel that he can also create. It is basically coming out of his
inferiority. He can see the woman and her immense
power of creating life. He creates a dead statue -- howsoever
beautiful it is, it is dead. Whoever has asked the question
seems to be against men, and any woman who is against men is
herself becoming something unnatural. Being against men, she is
becoming a man herself.
Psychologically she is now feeling inferior because the man can
paint and create music and dance. Naturally, she will have to
stop giving birth to children so her own creativity can be
directed towards these things: painting, poetry, music. But I
would like you to know you that will be a loser. You are
competing with man, and you need not compete; you are already
superior. You need not write poetry, you are poetry. Your love
is your music. Your heart throbbing with your lover is your
But if you want to create poetry, music and dance, you will have
to deprive yourself of love. You will have to be in the same
space where man is: feeling inferior and then finding
substitutes for creativity. That is ugly. I cannot give my
support to it. The woman is the superior sex; she need not prove
it. But if she feels that she has no desire for children, and
she wants to paint and she wants to compose music, it is
perfectly good. In fact, many women should do that, because the
earth is so overpopulated.
You will be a great help if you divert your creativity from
children to paintings, because paintings don't need food.
Dancing is perfectly good. Dance as much as you want, it creates
no Ethiopia. Write poetry. Because of your poetry, perhaps a few
people will have to suffer listening to it, getting bored with
it, but that is not much of a problem. They can manage to avoid
you. But if there is no desire to give birth to children, it is
absolutely right. Certainly you will have to create something
Do it, but don't think that your creativity will be higher than
that of man. It cannot be, for the simple reason that you are
the superior sex, you don't have that inferiority in you which
is the incentive for man to put all his life into his painting.
He is competing with your baby! And even if he is a Picasso, he
dies in despair. His whole life he tried to paint something, but
no painting can be alive, no poetry can be alive. So remember
that a woman can create, but most probably her creativity will
be just third-rate.
But it is good for the world. We don't want any more population,
we want to cut the population to one-fourth of what it is today.
So you will be helping a great project. You will be a blessing
not giving birth to a child. But drop the idea that you will be
creating something superior out of love. If you really want to
create something, don't think of love either, because love is so
satisfying, so fulfilling. It is such a miracle, who wants to
write poetry?
I have never come across a single lover, man or woman, who has
created poetry, who has created paintings, who has created
sculptures, for the simple reason that they are so contented.
All these creative things need a discontent, a wound which you
have to cover up. I am perfectly happy with your idea. Just do
whatever creative endeavor you want to; but remember, you don't
have the inferiority complex of man, so you cannot compete with
man in any way. You are already in a better position. Man is
poor; just have compassion on the poor guy.
Osho Articles on Women:
Osho on Woman
Osho on Nice Qualities
of Woman
Osho on Qualities of the
Female Mind
Osho on Motherly
Qualities of woman
Osho discourse on
Women’s Menopause
Osho on Special
Meditations for Women
Osho on
Responsibility of being a Mother
Osho on Mother duty in Child
Osho - Woman should not try to
imitate Man
Osho on Pain
of Witch and Beauty of Witches
Osho -
why do you ask people to get Married
Osho on greatest need of
Contemporary Woman
Osho on
Woman destructive attitude during Periods
Osho discourse on Being an
Artist rather than a Mother
Osho - Whenever a Child is born, the
Mother is also Born
- Every man is
a woman too and Every woman is a Man too
- Osho - Can you say
something about the mystery of Women
- First
Meditation and then out of Meditation comes Creativity
Osho on
Difficulty in Loving Oneself - learning to love oneself
- Osho on
creativity, discipline and living a bohemian side of life
- Anything can be
creative - you bring that quality to the activity
Sleepy person knows only a few sensations of the body food,
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