Osho on Responsiblity of being
a Mother
Question : Could you talk about the
Responsiblity of being a Parent for a Woman?
Osho : To become a mother is one of
the greatest responsibilities in the world. So many people are
on the psychiatrists' couches and so many people are in
madhouses and so many are out of the madhouses. If you go deep
into the neurosis of humanity you will always find the mother,
because so many women want to be mothers but they don't know how
to be. Once the relationship between the mother and the child
goes wrong the child's whole life goes wrong, because that is
his first contact with the world, his first relationship.
Everything else will be in continuity with it. And if the first
step goes wrong, the whole life goes wrong. One should knowingly
become a mother. You are taking one of the greatest
responsibilities that a human being can take. Men are a little
freer in that way because they cannot take the responsibility of
becoming a mother. Women have more
responsibility. So become a mother, but don't take it for
granted that just by being a woman one is necessarily a mother
-- that is a fallacy. Motherhood is a great art; you have to
learn it. So start learning about it!
A few things I would like to say to you. First, never treat the
child as yours; never possess the child. It comes through you
but it is not yours. God has only used you as a vehicle, a
medium, but the child is not your possession. Love, but never
possess the child. If the mother starts possessing the child
then the life is destroyed.
The child starts becoming a prisoner. You are destroying his
personality and you are reducing him to a thing.
Only a thing can be possessed: a house can be possessed, a car
can be possessed -- never a person. So this is the first lesson
-- get ready for it. Before the child comes you should be able
to greet him as an independent being, as a person in his own
right, not just your child. And the second thing: treat the
child as you would treat a grown-up person. Never treat a child
like a child. Treat the child with deep respect. God has chosen
you to be a host. God
has entered into your being as a guest The child is very
fragile, helpless. It is very difficult to respect the child.
It is very easy to humiliate the child. Humiliation comes very
easy because the child is helpless and cannot do anything,
cannot retaliate, cannot react. Treat the child as a grown-up,
and with great respect. Once you respect the child, you don't
try to impose your ideas on him. You don't try to impose
anything on the child. You simply give him the freedom --
freedom to explore the world. You help him to become more and
more powerful in exploring the world but you never give him
You give him energy, you give him protection, you give him
security, all that he needs, but you help him to go farther away
from you to explore the world. And of course in freedom the
wrong is also included. It is very difficult for a mother to
learn that when you give freedom to a child it is not freedom
only to do good. It is also necessarily the freedom to do bad,
to do wrong. So make the child alert, intelligent, but never
give him any commandments -- nobody keeps them, and people
become hypocrites.
So if you really love the child, the one thing has to be
remembered: never, never help him in any way, force him in any
way, to become a hypocrite. And the third thing: don't listen to
the morality, don't listen to religion, don't listen to culture
-- listen to nature. Whatsoever is natural is good -- even if
sometimes it is very difficult for you, very uncomfortable for
you. Because you have been not brought up according to nature.
Your parents were not bringing you up with real art, love. It
was just an accidental thing. Don't repeat the same mistakes.
Many times you will feel very uneasy.... For example a small
child starts playing with his sexual organs. The natural
tendency of the mother is to stop the child because she has been
taught that this is wrong. Even if she
feels that nothing is wrong, if somebody is there she feels a
little embarrassed. Feel embarrassed! That is your problem; that
has nothing to do with the child. Feel embarrassed. Even if you
lose respectability in society, lose -- but never interfere with
the child. Let nature take its own course.
You are there to facilitate whatsoever nature is unfolding. You
are not to direct nature. You are just to be there as a help. So
these three things... and start meditating. Before the child is
born you should go as deeply as possible in meditation. When the
child is within your womb, whatsoever you are doing continuously
goes as a vibration to the child. If you are angry, your stomach
has a tension of anger. The child immediately feels it. When you
are sad, your stomach has an atmosphere of sadness. Immediately
the child feels dull, depressed.
The child totally depends on you. Whatsoever is your mood is the
mood of the child. The child has no independence right now: your
climate is his climate. So no more fighting, no more anger.
That's why I say that to be a mother is a great responsibility.
You will have to sacrifice much. Now during these coming seven
months you have to be very very alert. The child is more
important than anything else. If somebody insults you, accept
it, but don't get angry. Say, 'I am pregnant, and the child is
more important than getting angry at you.
This episode will pass and after a few days I will not remember
who has insulted me and what I have done. But the child is going
to be there at least seventy, eighty years in the world. It is a
big project.' Even if you want, note it down in the diary. When
the child is born, then you can be angry, but not right now.
Just say, 'I am a pregnant mother. I cannot be angry -- that is
not allowed.' This is what I call sensitive understanding. No
more sadness, no more anger, no more hatred, no more fighting
with Anand Veda.
Both have to look to the child. When a child is there you are
both secondary; the child has every preference. Because a new
life is going to be born... and it is going to be your fruit. If
from the very beginning anger, hatred, conflict, enters into the
child's mind, then you are causing hell for him. He will suffer.
Then it is better not to bring a child into the world. Why bring
a child into suffering? The world is tremendous suffering. In
the first place bringing a child into this world is a very risky
But even if you want that, at least bring a child who will be
totally different in this world -- who will not be miserable,
who will at least help the world to be a little more
celebrating. He will bring a little more festivity into the
world... a little more laughter, love, life. So for these days,
be celebrating. Dance, sing, listen to music, meditate, love. Be
very soft. Don't do anything hectic, in a hurry. Don't do
anything in a tension. Just go slowly.
Slow down absolutely. A great guest is to come -- you have to
receive him.
Osho Articles on Women:
Osho on Woman
Osho on Nice Qualities
of Woman
Osho on Qualities of the
Female Mind
Osho on Motherly
Qualities of woman
Osho discourse on
Women’s Menopause
Osho on Special
Meditations for Women
Osho on Mother duty in Child
Osho - Woman should not try to
imitate Man
Osho on Pain
of Witch and Beauty of Witches
Osho -
why do you ask people to get Married
Osho on greatest need of
Contemporary Woman
Osho on Female Creativity - Female
Creative Spirit
Osho on
Woman destructive attitude during Periods
on Negativity in Mother Daughter Relationship
Osho discourse on Being an
Artist rather than a Mother
Osho - Whenever a Child is born, the
Mother is also Born
- Every man is
a woman too and Every woman is a Man too
Osho on
Difficulty in Loving Oneself - learning to love oneself
Osho - Why is the New Generation such a
problem to the Parents
- Right
way to help a Child grow without interfering in his natural
Osho - Parents are cruel to their children
because parents have some investment in them
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