Osho Discourse on Men
Question: I always hear you saying
nice things about the Women. Could you Not stick up for the Men
once in a while?
Osho: It is a very difficult
question. I could not sleep the whole night. I tried and tried
hard to find something nice about men, but I have to admit to
you there is nothing that can be said.
You can see for yourself. An interviewer for a ladies' magazine
is questioning a famous British general about his sex
life. "Excuse me, sir," she begins, "but can you recall the last
time you had relations with your wife?"
His upper lip stiffens for a moment and then he says, "Yes, of
course I can, it was nineteen forty-five."
After a moment's silence the woman says, "That was a long time
The general glances at his watch and says, "Not so long really.
It is only twenty-one fortynine."
Man is a funny thing. If any of you find anything nice about
man, please inform me. I accept my failure absolutely.
The world suffers too much from conflict because of male energy
and the domination by it. The balance is needed. I am not saying
that the male energy is not needed at all; it is needed, but in
proportion. Right now, ninety-nine percent is male energy and
the woman exists only on the margin. She is not the main current
of life, hence there is strife, struggle, fight, war. That
energy has brought humanity to the brink of total suicide.
It can happen any day, unless the feminine energy is released to
balance it. That is the only hope. The third world war can be
avoided only if feminine energy is released into the world to
balance male energy; otherwise there is no way. It cannot be
avoided by peace marches and protests against war, because that
too is male energy! Have you not watched protesters? -- they are
as violent as anybody can be, and each peace march turns into a
riot. Sooner or later they are burning buses, throwing stones at
the police.
They were there shouting for peace, but in their very shout is
war. The masculine energy can talk about peace but can only
prepare for war. It goes on saying that we have to fight to
protect peace. Now look at the absurdity: we have to go to war,
otherwise there will be no peace in the world. To attain peace
we go into war. That's how we
have been going into war down the ages and peace has not come.
In three thousand years man has fought five thousand wars. Not a
single day passes when there is not war somewhere or other.
Sometimes it is Vietnam, sometimes it is Israel, sometimes it is
Kashmir, sometimes it is something else, but the war continues.
And it is not only a question of changing the political ideology
of the world -- that won't help because all those ideologies are
masculine. The feminine energy has to be released. That can
bring balance. The moon has been neglected too much, the sun has
become too prominent. The moon has to be brought back to
life. And with the moon is not only the woman: with the moon is
all poetry too, all aesthetics, all love, and all that belongs
to the heart, comes from the moon. All that is intuitive feeds
on the moon.
Remember this. And in each being, man or
woman, both energies exist -- the sun and the moon. The
emphasis has to be towards the moon. We have leaned too much
towards the sun; it is destroying us. Just to keep balance we
have to lean to the opposite direction, and slowly slowly one
has to be exactly in the middle -- the moon in one hand, the sun
in the other, but both equal. I declare man and woman equal, not
because of any political reason: I declare them equal for some
existential reason. They have to be equal, otherwise life will
be destroyed.
So find the woman in you. Feed it, nourish it, help it to grow.
Don't be shy of it and don't think 'I am a man.' Nobody is
simply a man and nobody is simply a woman; both are both. It has
to be so: half of your being has been contributed by your father
and half by your mother. You are the meeting of these two
energies. You cannot be just man, you cannot be just woman.
Absorb the woman, enhance and help the woman; become more soft,
receptive, passive, loving. Because meditation comes easy when
one is passive. It is not an active approach towards life. It is
just waiting in openness.
Meditation comes -- it cannot be brought, it cannot be
conquered. One has to surrender to it. That is the meaning of
the feminine....
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