Osho on Life - Why is this life so mysteriousQuestion - Why is this life, which has no end and no beginning, so mysterious? please explain. Osho - Now, not only do I give you absurd
answers, you have started asking absurd questions. Why is this life so
mysterious? How am I supposed to know? It is so! It is simply a fact, I
am not talking about theories. I'm not saying that it is my theory that
life is mysterious -- then you could ask why. It is simply so. The trees
are green. You ask why. The trees are green because they are green.
There is no question of why.
When we say that life is a mystery, we are saying that life is not a problem. A problem can be solved. A mystery is that which cannot be solved. Insolubility is unbuilt. And it is good that life cannot be solved, otherwise what would you do then? Just think of it. If life is not a mystery and somebody comes and explains it to you -- then what will you do? There will be nothing left except to commit suicide. Even that will look meaningless. Life is a mystery; the more you know it, the more beautiful it is. A moment comes when suddenly you start living it, you start flowing with it. An orgasmic relationship evolves between you and life, but you cannot figure out what it is. That's the beauty of it, that's its infinite depth. And yes, there is no beginning and no end. How can there be any beginning to life and any end to life? Beginning will mean that something came out of nothing, and end will mean that something was there and went into nothing. That will be an even bigger mystery. When we say life has no beginning we simply say it has always been there. How can there be a beginning? Can you mark a line and say that at this moment life started, as Christian theologians used to say? Just four thousand years before Jesus Christ, they say, life started on a certain Monday. Of course, it must have been in the morning. But how can you call it Monday if there was no Sunday before it? And how can you call it morning if there was no night before it? Just think of it. No, you cannot make a mark, that is foolish. It is not
possible to mark a line because even to mark a line something is needed.
Something is needed to precede it, otherwise demarcation is not
possible. You can mark a line if there are two things, but if there is
only one thing how can you mark a line? The fence around your house is
possible because there is a neighbour. If there is no neighbour, nothing
beyond your fence, the fence cannot exist. Just think of it. If there is
absolutely nothing beyond your fence, your fence will fall down into
nothing. How can it exist? Something is needed beyond the fence to hold
it. Source - Osho Book "The Art of Dying"
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