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Kahlil Gibran - Wanderer

  1. The King

  2. Garments

  3. The Pearl

  4. The River

  5. The Frogs

  6. Love Song

  7. At the Fair

  8. Three Gifts

  9. The Statue

  10. The Dancer

  11. The Madman

  12. Field of Zaad

  13. Two Princess

  14. The Wanderer

  15. The Exchange

  16. Body and Soul

  17. Upon the Sand

  18. Peace and War

  19. Eagle and Skylark

  20. Hermit and Beasts

  21. Builders Of Bridges

  22. Laws & Law Giving

  23. Tears and Laughters

  24. Two Guardian Angels

  25. Yesterday and Today

  26. Prophet and The Child



Kahlil Gibran (1883-1931) was a Lebanese American of Assyrian descent, an artist, poet and writer. He was born Gibran Khalil Gibran in Lebanon, but He had spent much of his productive life in the United States.

Kahlil Gibran's last book 'The Wanderer' before he died contains parables and peoms which many consider to be amongst his finest. Kahlil Gibran is particularly fampus for his work 'The Prophet', a book composed of 26 poetic essays.