Osho - One should Die celebrating
[A sannyasin said her father has cancer and her family
keep asking her to go home, but she is undecided as she also wants to
stay here. Osho says that as the father is old, it is better she go....
Osho - And this is a significant time. Go, and be as loving to him as
possible. Be very meditative while you are around him. Just sit silently
by his side and become completely silent, hold his hand. If you become
silent, he will start falling into silence, and he needs that. If he can
die joyously that will be a great gift to him.
Everybody has to die cancer or no cancer, that is not very important.
The most important thing is that one should die celebrating. And if he
can celebrate, if he can be silent and happy, maybe he can live a little
longer too. This is the paradox: if you are too much afraid of death,
death comes sooner; if you accept it, it may not come so soon.
Sometimes it happens that the day a person accepts death, death becomes
afraid, because with the very accepting you become very strong fear is
our weakness! Now he must be scared... and in the West particularly,
people are so much afraid of death. In the east things are a little
different at least, they used to be different: people accept death, it
is part of the game.
But in the west death seems to be anti-life, it is not part of the game.
It seems to be inimical, it is not the friend. So if you can bring this
understanding to him it will be a great gift. And now you can share with
him you can share me with him! Go, take a few tapes, let him feel,
tell him to meditate he can start chanting, chant with him. Create
some kind of new atmosphere around him. Prepare him to receive death,
and that may become his most valuable experience in life.
In fact, it has to be so, because death is the crescendo of life it is
the last flame it is not against life! It has nothing to do with the
devil, it is not evil. It is just that nature wants us back, that our
journey is over, our station has come! Those whose journey is not over
will continue in the train, and those whose journey is over get down...
and there is nothing to be sorry about.
So go there, but dont go crying and weeping. If you want to cry and
weep, cry and weep here before you go be finished with it! Cry and
weep and get into it completely clean yourself. Go absolutely joyous,
with total acceptance, almost with reverence for death only then can
you share something with him.
An old man was dying he was one of my friends grandfather and he
was always against god, against prayer, against meditation, but in the
last days he remembered me and he asked me to come. I enquired as to
why. He said Now I feel that I have missed something and if you can
come and be with me, at least for a few days.... And I am going, I am
going fast.
So I went and stayed with the old man. After three days he died, but
those three days were a beautiful experience. Because of death he became
very receptive, he dropped his argumentativeness he was an
argumentator. He was not in the mood, not in a situation, to argue. Mm?
death was coming so there was no point; he wanted to learn. I have
never found such a disciple! He was really keen to learn meditation
naturally so because the doctors had said that at the most he would
survive for one week, not more than that.
He also had a sort of cancer, a very fast-growing cancer: you detect it
and within a week you are gone. Nothing can be done about it it
spreads so fast that there is no way to do anything. So I remained with
him.... I would just sit by his side and would tell him to just be
silent, to feel me, and I would hold his hand. He had terrible pain,
each moment was of great pain He couldnt sleep without tranquillisers
even with tranquillisers it was difficult and death was closing in.
But the second day, in the morning I was holding his hand almost for
four, five hours, and then he suddenly said, But this is unbelievable
I am falling silent! It is incredible! The pain is there and I am
feeling separate from it. I said, Keep quiet this is the moment of
meditation. Keep quiet and feel it! And the day he died, he died
utterly a new man.
The third day he was completely aloof from the body he was crying with
joy! He died a religious man, almost a saint! And when he died, not only
he felt his whole family felt a sudden change. Just before he died,
near around two hours before, he was in utter pain but yet not in pain
at all. He stopped all medication.... So you just go, mm? And when will
you be able to come back? How long will you take?
Source: from Osho Book "This is It"
Related Osho Discourses on Death and
Osho - Is there a
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Osho - How can we
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Beloved Osho, What is
exactly your attitude about death
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Osho on
Acceptance of Death - Two more months to Live
Beloved Osho, I have heard that your Sannyasins Celebrate
What happens in
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Can you talk about facing the death of
each moment and letting Go
Osho on How to Die Consciously So that we can have a
Conscious Birth
Osho on Bardo -
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on Grief over death - If you have not loved the person
deeply, then you will grieve very much
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