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    Hidden Mysteries

  1. What happens to Souls in Bodyless State
  2. Mystery of Gautam Buddha coming as Maitreya
  3. If a Tirthankara desires to be born, can he take a Physical Body
  4. Jesus Christ Unknown life in India after Escaping from Jewish Cross
  5. Is Psychic or Spiritual Exploitation Possible in the Name of Shaktipat
  6. Meaning, Preparation and Process of Mantra Deeksha, Why Mantra be kept Secret
  7. Possibility of Psychic Binding between the Meditator and the medium in Shaktipat
  8. Osho on Mystery of Pilgrimage Places of Alkufa Sufi Village and Vishwanath Temple
  9. How Devadatta Prevented attempted Reincarnation by Gautam Buddha as Maitreya
  10. Sacred Places of Pilgrimage was a means to establish contact with Enlightened Souls
  11. What is Shaktipat or Energy Transmission? How can Someone transmit Divine Energy?
  12. Osho on Worthy Womb & Conditions for Higher Soul to take Birth (Secret of Jesus Birth)


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